
Diocese and Parish News

Diocesan News

The people of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts have elected an Indianapolis priest to be their next bishop.

At the special electing convention held on Saturday, May 18, clergy and lay delegates elected the Rev. Julia E. Whitworth to succeed the Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates as the 17th bishop of the Diocese of Massachusetts. The electing convention took place at Trinity Church in Boston. 

Diocesan News
The Diocese of Massachusetts will elect a new bishop diocesan on Saturday, May 18, 2024.  Ballot results from the electing convention will be posted on this page as they are announced, with the most recent results at the top.   You may need to refresh this page periodically to view newly…
In the News
The Rev. Julia E. Whitworth, an Indianapolis priest, was elected the next bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts on Saturday, becoming the first woman elected to the role.
Following is the text of the sermon preached by the Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates at the Electing Convention on May 18, 2024, at Trinity Church in Boston. Vicki Ix Bishop Gates gives the…
Diocesan News

Clergy and lay delegates from the congregations of the diocese will gather on Saturday, May 18 at Trinity Church in Boston for the special convention to elect a diocesan bishop to succeed the Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates as the diocese’s 17th bishop when Gates retires later this year.

Diocesan News
    The Cathedral Church of St. Paul and Old North Church in Boston invite the diocesan community to join on Zoom for a prayer vigil on the eve of the electing convention, Friday, May 17, from 7 to 7:40 p.m., to pray for the nominees, the electing convention and…
Diocesan News
The Transition Committee shares this travel alert for those planning to use public transportation to attend the May 7 evening Meet-and-Greet gathering with bishop nominees at All Saints' Parish, Ashmont (209 Ashmont Street) in Dorchester:  Because of track repairs on parts of the Red Line…
Diocesan News

At meet-and-greet gatherings May 7-11, our diocesan community will welcome the five nominees for election as the 17th bishop diocesan of the Diocese of Massachusetts. Videos provided by the nominees are now available for viewing on their individual nominee pages at The videos are also available in a YouTube playlist here.

In the News
Agroecologist Peter Jensen, a former Peace Corps permagarden training specialist, worked in Haiti and East Africa for over two decades, “building landscapes back better than they ever were.” Since leaving Ethiopia in 2019 and moving back to Orleans, where he grew up, he has been applying that…
Diocesan News
Final slate: Brendan J. Barnicle; Edwin D. Johnson; Jean Baptiste Ntagengwa; Gideon L.K. Pollach; Julia E. Whitworth The Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts is pleased to announce that, having added one additional nominee from the petition process, it…