
Diocese and Parish News

Diocesan News

The Reparations Subcommittee of the diocesan Racial Justice Commission has released a substantive new history report, “And You Will Know the Truth, and the Truth Will Make You Free: A Historical Framework (1620-1840) for Understanding How the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts Benefits Today from Chattel Slavery and Its Legacy.”  

Gabriel M. Colombo, a member of the Episcopal Chaplaincy at Harvard, was among those who took part in the March 7, 2024, diocesan pilgrimage to Pocasset Wampanoag land and offers this reflection on his experience. Photo:…
Diocesan News

The Standing Committee of the Diocese of Massachusetts on March 15 announces a preliminary slate of four nominees for election as the 17th bishop diocesan and opening of March 15-22 petition period.

Diocesan News
The Bishop Nominating Committee, pending the approval of the Standing Committee, anticipates that a preliminary slate of nominees for election as the 17th bishop diocesan of the Diocese of Massachusetts will be announced on Friday, March 15, 2024.  A petition process for submitting additional…
Diocesan News
The bishops of the Diocese of Massachusetts have issued the following word on this week’s death of civilians seeking aid in Gaza.   With heavy hearts we grieve the ongoing death of non-combatants in the war in Gaza.  In our December statement  we urged all members of our diocese…
Diocesan News
The Rev. Edward M. Cardoza, who has served as missioner for property stewardship in the Diocese of Massachusetts since September 2020, has been appointed priest-in-charge of Grace Church in Manchester, N.H.  He will conclude his ministry on the diocesan staff on March 29 and begin serving at…

The Poor People’s Campaign will be holding coordinated assemblies at capital state houses in more than 30 states, including Boston, on Saturday, March 2 at 11 a.m., and Massachusetts Episcopalians are invited to make their voices heard.

Diocesan News

The Office of the Bishop has issued the following pastoral announcement:

Diocesan News

The Office of the Bishop has issued the following pastoral announcement:

Diocesan News

All Saints Parish in Brookline hosted Choral Evensong on Sunday, Feb. 11, commemorating the historic consecration on that date in 1989 of the Rt. Rev. Barbara C. Harris (1930-2020) as the first woman to be ordained a bishop in the worldwide Anglican Communion. "'I will sing to my God a new song'--what an appropriate reading for any gathering that celebrates, thinks about, wants to still argue with Barbara Harris!" guest preacher Byron Rushing said of the evening's opening Scripture lesson.