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In the News
Lowell's early history was inextricably linked to slavery through its many cotton mills where young women from rural New England and immigrants from Europe wove what Black people from slave-holding states in the South picked.  One vehement opponent of slavery was the first rector at St. Anne…
In the News
A thrift shop in Sandwich open for nearly 50 years has undergone a redesign, renaming and will now offer consignments, as well. St. John's Thrift Boutique, as the shop is now known, is at 163 Main Street. It's open year-round from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays. The grand reopening…
In the News
The Community Preservation Act approved by Lowell voters in 2019 continues to drive citywide investments and improvements, as well as grow the city’s housing stock. The Community Preservation Committee, made up of volunteer representatives from many boards and city staff, approved on Jan. 23 almost…
In the News
In 1970, the pastors of Boston’s St. Cyprian’s Episcopal Church  and  Union United Methodist Church came together to create the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Breakfast. This year, the annual tradition celebrates its 55th year. A highlight of this year’s breakfast was the keynote speaker, Angela…
In the News
In a Dec. 29, 2024, dispatch, Cape Cod Times columnist Lawrence Brown highlighted the helping hand that St. David's Church in South Yarmouth extends to a community: "Once a month, the church holds a 'Food and Paper Pantry' for Cape homeless people and struggling families. They've been serving up…
In the News
Two dozen members of the Episcopal clergy surrounded Julia E. Whitworth and placed their hands on her head as she knelt in prayer. A few minutes later, she was on her feet with a red stole and cape draped over her shoulders and a golden shepherd’s crook in her hand. The crowd Saturday morning in…
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Last Sunday, worshipers at a morning service in Norwood discovered welcome flags with rainbow designs had been yanked down, multi-colored Adirondack chairs symbolizing the church’s support for the LGBTQ community had been rearranged, and a rainbow banner reading “Be the Church” had been covered…
In the News
The Rev. Julia Whitworth, who will be consecrated Oct. 19 as the 17th Bishop of the Diocese of Massachusetts, is eager to address the challenges of leading a large diocese based in the city of Boston. “I want to come in and know the diocese and be known. I want to build trust, be a keen listener,…
In the News
The families moved into the basement of St. Paul's Church in Newburyport a few months after they fled Afghanistan in 2021. The church's rector, the Rev. Dr. Jarred Mercer, is leading an effort to develop a system of housing for the families and others who've been forcibly displaced from their…
In the News
Leaders of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts on June 1 ordained five women as deacons, welcoming them into ministry as the church prepares next month to mark the 50th anniversary of the first ordination of women as priests.