
Diocese and Parish News

In the News
An outreach group is upgrading to more spacious quarters to house women experiencing homelessness in Falmouth through the winter months. Belonging To Each Other has teamed up with St. Barnabas’s Church to offer a home with more bedrooms and common areas than they have had in the past as a refuge…
Diocesan News
The diocesan Standing Committee on Oct. 31, 2023, issued the following invitation for applications from those interested in being considered for appointment to the Bishop Transition Committee.  Applications, via an online form linked below, are due by Nov. 15, 2023.  Questions…
Diocesan News
Following is the text of the address given by Bishop Alan M. Gates at the 238th annual Diocesan Convention on Saturday, Oct. 28, 2023. Send out your light and your truth, that they may lead me, and bring me to your holy hill and to your dwelling; … Why are you so full of heaviness, O my soul? and…
Diocesan News

A photo gallery from the October 2023 Diocesan Convention

Diocesan News
Courtesy photos Transition Committee co-chairs Betsy Ridge, Beth Grundy and Brett Johnson, and Consecration Committee chair Michael Dangelo The diocesan Standing Committee, which oversees the bishop search and election process now…
In the News
Filming “St. Jones Ditch” has brought director Jeffrey Long, writer Sarah Brockmann and the cast and crew all over Rhode Island, the South Shore and the South Coast. The only complication? The movie takes place in East Texas.  The latest location to pose as the titular Lone Star town is…
In the News
When the leaders of Bristol Lodge, a food pantry and soup kitchen operated by Middlesex Human Service Agency, learned earlier this year that the Waltham church they had been working out of for 18 years needed its space back, they set to work finding a new home. This month, Bristol Lodge began…
In the News
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Beverly has called the Rev. Christopher Whiteman to serve as the 16th rector in the church’s history. Whiteman was formally installed as rector on Oct. 20 by the Rt. Rev. Carol Gallagher, assistant bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, in a ceremony at…
Diocesan News
When they gather in Diocesan Convention later this month, eastern Massachusetts Episcopalians will take action on measures that advance ongoing racial justice work in the diocese as well as congregational health and wellness. They also will take time to consider together how they and their…
In the News
The Rev. Eric Fialho, rector at St. Gabriel’s Episcopal Church in Marion, “holds out hope” that all dogs go to heaven. “I think that God in his wisdom has a place for all living beings who have had breath on this Earth and that includes the spider and everything else,” he said. And on Sunday, Oct…