
Diocese and Parish News

Diocesan News
In response to a resolution adopted by last year's Diocesan Convention, a Healthy Congregations Task Force has come together to explore what healthy congregations look like and what kind of support they need.  The group is now asking everyone to weigh in: Where do we shine and where can we, in…
Diocesan News

Video and transcription of the sermon given by the Rev. Winnie Varghese, Rector of St. Luke's Church in Atlanta, at the ordination and consecration of the Rt. Rev. Julia E. Whitworth on Oct. 19, 2024, at Trinity Church in Boston.

Diocesan News

On Oct. 18, as the weekend consecration celebration got underway, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and Bishop-elect Julia Whitworth took time for an interview, sharing their thoughts on the upcoming presidential election and, among other things, what a consecration is really all about, why they love The Episcopal Church and where there's unrealized potential.

Diocesan News

Video and transcription of the sermon given by Bishop Julia E. Whitworth at Evensong with Seating of the New Bishop on Oct. 20, 2024, at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Boston.

Diocesan News
Oct. 19, 2024:  Consecration service at Trinity Church in Boston Photo highlights from the service of ordination and consecration of the 17th bishop diocesan of Massachusetts, the Rt. Rev. Julia E. Whitworth, on Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024, at Trinity Church in Boston. …
Diocesan News
When they gather for the upcoming Diocesan Convention, clergy and delegates will be taking up the annual business of the diocese with a new bishop as chair and an invitation to consider together what it means to be "One Body in Christ, Members One of Another: Reconciliation and Belonging in an Age…
Diocesan News

The Rt. Rev. Julia E. Whitworth was ordained and consecrated a bishop in the Diocese of Massachusetts on Saturday, Oct. 19 at Trinity Church in Boston, surrounded in celebration by an attending congregation of 1,200 and an additional 3,800-plus viewers online via livestream and from seven watch party locations hosted by churches around the diocese.

In the News
Two dozen members of the Episcopal clergy surrounded Julia E. Whitworth and placed their hands on her head as she knelt in prayer. A few minutes later, she was on her feet with a red stole and cape draped over her shoulders and a golden shepherd’s crook in her hand. The crowd Saturday morning in…
Diocesan News

There was much to celebrate in Everett on Oct. 12 as the bishops and bishop-elect gathered with the diocese's African Clergy Caucus, members of their families and worshiping communities, and friends from around the diocese for the dedication of the new Bishop Alan M. Gates African Anglican-Episcopal Mission Center.

Greetings, Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts!   This is coming to you just before this grand weekend of celebrating my consecration as your bishop, and I wanted to take a moment to say thank you.  Thank you for entrusting me with this incredible responsibility, this awesome privilege. …