Deanery Grants

Grants from both programs are awarded by vote of deanery assemblies. Applications can be submitted at any time from January through Dec. 19, 2025, and must have been approved by vote of the deanery assembly prior to submission to the diocesan offices for funding. A congregation may receive both Sending Serving and House of Mercy funds, for the same project or multiple projects, in a single year.  

Once applications have been thus approved, please communicate award decisions (one submission per application) and send completed applications using this online form

A year-end report is expected from each congregation that receives grant funds: 

  • If you were a recipient of a deanery grant in 2024 submit your report using this online form
  • If you were a recipient of a deanery grant in 2025 submit your report using this online form

Sending Serving Grants

The Diocese of Massachusetts awards Sending Serving grant funds to support domestic and international programs that enhance the outreach ministries of congregations through new or existing programs. These programs support the vitality of congregations, youth and urban-ethnic-multicultural ministries. Collaborative projects are encouraged. Awarded funds must be matched by a contribution of 25 percent of the total amount requested in the grant from the congregation(s), which may be raised through a targeted fundraising effort. 

  • In 2025, deaneries may apply for up to $3,500. 
  • Awarded funds must be matched by a contribution of 25 percent from the congregation(s), which may be raised through a targeted fundraising effort.

House of Mercy Grants

The Diocese of Massachusetts awards House of Mercy grant funds to support programs and projects that serve women and children in need. 

  • In 2025, deaneries may apply for up to $3,322. 
  • Matching funds are not required for this grant. 
  • See the attached document, below, for application information. 

Compliance requirements

Grant recipients will receive funds only after the following conditions are satisfied: 

  • Current Parochial Report (due March 1 for prior year) 
  • Current annual audit (due Sept. 1 for prior year) or verification that audit is in process 
  • Current annual Leadership Report including most current Diocesan Convention delegate information (due March 1 each year) 
  • Clergy compensation form updated as changes are made and submitted to Church Pension Fund 
  • Current on payments (<90 days in arrears) annual assessment, diocesan loans, clergy pension, health premiums 
  • Diocesan grants that have a matching component may not include funds from other diocesan grants or the value of in-kind donations as part of their match. Matching grants must be matched by actual cash. 
  • Some grants have a reporting component required to qualify for future awards. 

Congregations not in compliance will be notified and will have 60 days to address the compliance requirements before the award is withdrawn.  

Award decision submission process

Each deanery is responsible for setting and communicating internal deadlines for the application process. All deanery grant applications should be submitted to deanery co-conveners for approval at deanery assemblies. The deanery must take an assembly vote to award funds to proposed programs; this may be done in a regular deanery assembly meeting or through e-mail or tele/videoconference. Deanery assemblies are encouraged to award all the funds allotted, or they remain in the endowments and are made available for awards in subsequent years. 

Once applications have been thus approved, please communicate award decisions and send completed applications using the form attached below. Award decisions are due from deaneries to the diocesan office by Dec. 19, 2025. 

Help is available. If you would like guidance or assistance from a Congregational Consultant with completing any of these requirements, please contact your regional canon. 

Questions may be directed to the Rev. Margaret Lias, Coordinator for Governance and Grants, at or 617-482-4826, ext. 229.