Safe Church

Safe Church Policies

The Diocese of Massachusetts has adopted two Safe Church Policies designed to foster healthy and sustainable ministry with vulnerable people–one for children and youth, and one for vulnerable adults. The purpose of these policies is to create safe and welcoming space for minors, elders and people with disabilities and those engaged in ministry with them.  As stated in the policies, congregations are required to adopt safe church policies for children and youth and for vulnerable adults.  The diocese is providing model policies for congregations' review and adoption.  

Questions may be directed to Canon Bill Parnell at

Safe Church Training

This training is designed to increase awareness regarding sexual misconduct and abuse of power, to outline steps toward preventing abuse, to offer ways to intervene when misconduct occurs and to equip anyone in a position of congregational leadership with ways of healing and rebuilding the body of Christ.

The training is required of all clergy, diocesan employees and congregational employees. It is also highly recommended for wardens, vestry members, lay eucharistic visitors, pastoral visitors, youth leaders, Confirmation sponsors, acolyte leaders, choir directors, church school teachers and volunteers working in a congregation on a regular basis. 

Learn more

#MeToo Resources: How to Report Sexual Misconduct

Procedures are are in place to help ensure the safety of all members and to promote truth, justice and reconciliation, including procedures for confidential reporting of misconduct. 

Posters detailing means for sharing accounts and reporting experiences of sexual misconduct in the church are available to congregations for display in bathrooms, parish halls and offices.

Learn more 

Boy Scouts of America, Guidelines for Church Relationships with

In response to questions regarding churches serving as Boy Scouts of America (BSA) chartered organizations or providing space for BSA activities, diocesan chancellor Ned Notis-McConarty and canon to the ordinary Bill Parnell have consulted with legal counsel for The Episcopal Church and other diocesan chancellors regarding such agreements.  Find attached below their document outlining considerations for congregations in their relationships with the BSA.

Questions may be directed to the Rev. Canon Bill Parnell, Canon to the Ordinary ( or 617-482-4826, ext. 205).