The diocesan archives is the official repository for the permanent records of the diocese.
Information Requests
You may write or e-mail the archives with requests for information. In the case of sacramental records, please keep in mind:
- The diocesan archives does not maintain the records for most parishes, nor is there a central index or list of the sacraments performed.
- Attempt to contact parishes first for Baptism, Confirmation, marriage and burial records.
- Vital records of individual church members contain private information. Requests for certified copies of records of baptism or marriage for all entries created after 1930 must be made directly by the individual in question, or, where applicable, by a spouse (fiancés/fiancées excluded), a parent, a descendent, legal representative or rector of the individual's parish (or the rector's designee).
- Certificate requests should be submitted in writing with a photocopy of a picture identification (do not send an original ID), and relationship to the individual.
General Queries and Scholarly Research
The archives staff supports the diocesan staff and parishes. We cannot conduct research for outside users. However, we will be glad to answer simple questions as time permits.
Please contact the archives by letter or e-mail, and please include the name and location of your parish. If you e-mail, please include your complete mailing address.
Although the archives are not a general public research facility, they are open by appointment to qualified researchers for scholarly research. Please call (see below) or e-mail to arrange to use the collections. Official application must be made in writing (letter, e-mail). Please include:
- Name and title
- A complete address
- Telephone, e-mail
- Institutional affiliation and position
- If you are a student, a letter from your supervising professor
- A detailed statement describing the purpose of your research and intended outcome
Diocesan Library and Archives
Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts
138 Tremont Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02111
Useful Links
Abbey Newsletter (preservation)
American Association for State & Local History
American Religion Data Archive
Archives of the Episcopal Church
Connick Stained Glass Foundation