Congregational Development Grants

Congregational Development Grants are one way the diocesan budget supports worshiping communities in strengthening community vitality and deepening relationships with God. The program challenges congregations to try new programs and prayerfully reflect on current and proposed programs that nurture and reimagine congregational life.

Ministries and programs supported through Congregational Development Grants focus on:

  • Inviting the world around us into the life of our congregations
  • Providing learning opportunities for various age and interest groups in congregations
  • Identifying members’ qualifications, gifts, and callings and connecting members with one another in ministry
  • Reimagining worship and strengthening liturgy and communal life

The grants committee awards three types of funding:

  • New Program: for the launch of a new ministry of the congregation
  • Program Expansion: for a significant new component of an existing ministry, beyond an increase in the number of participants 
  • Bridge Funding: The committee may award one-time grants for ministries transitioning between funding sources. Those applying for bridge funding must explain how they intend to fund the program in the future.

The maximum grant available under this program is $10,000.

Please see the guidelines attached below for more details.

Letter of intent and application deadlines for 2025

Congregations intending to apply should submit a letter of intent by March 15, 2025, with the completed application due May 3, 2025.

Find the letter of intent form here.

Find the application form here.

2024 grant recipient reporting

The diocesan committee entrusted with the stewardship of Congregational Development Grants funds seeks to ensure that recipients have followed through with the plans that served as the basis for receiving a grant. Recipients of Congregational Development Grants in 2024 are asked to complete, by March 14, 2025, the grant report form here.

Grant recipient congregations become eligible for further Congregational Development Grant funds upon submitting this report.


Questions may be directed to the Rev. Margaret Lias, Coordinator for Governance and Grants, at or 617-482-4826, ext. 229.