Parish News

Parish News
It has been more than nine months since Sandy tore through the East Coast, devastating many communities along the mid-Atlantic and causing damage as far north as Maine. There are thousands of homes that are still in need of repair, and the clean-up efforts are ongoing. Rebuilding these coastal…
Parish News
The Parish of the Messiah in the Newton village of Auburndale welcomed Tinka Perry, the diocesan coordinator for Episcopal Relief & Development, as a guest speaker at a recent Sunday morning service. She discussed the charge to Christians to seek and serve Christ in all persons, and to strive for…
Parish News
Every year, more than four million people gather in Relay for Life events in more than 20 countries, raising some $400 million for cancer research and support.  In honor of Bishop Tom Shaw, who is undergoing treatment for brain cancer diagnosed in May, a team of 40 people from parishes in the…
Parish News
The Church of the Messiah this summer is celebrating its stone church and the man who built it, Church of the Messiah, Woods Hole as well as its mission in the village of Woods Hole. “Honoring the Past,…
Parish News
[Episcopal News Service] The Rev. Amy McCreath awoke in Washington, D.C., April 19 to learn that her parish, the Church of the Good Shepherd in Watertown, was close to the epicenter of an unprecedented manhunt for the second of two suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing.  She also learned…
Parish News
The first documented Episcopal service in Norwood took place in the spring of 1888.  Over the years, Episcopal services took place in Village Hall, Odd Fellows Hall, the chapel of the old Methodist-Episcopal Church and parishioners’ homes.  Service times varied from morning,…
Parish News
St. Stephen’s Church in Lynn is hosting an installation of “The Way of Salvation,” stations of the Jason Cruz cross created by deacon Gay Cox. The last element is a sanctuary display of “heavenly hosts.”…
Parish News
When U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents raided the Michael Bianco factory in New Bedford on March 6, 2007, arresting some 360 illegal immigrant workers there, Grace Church was among the local churches that rallied to assist the families left broken and traumatized by the mass arrests…
Parish News
For the Rev. Karen Coleman, the Ash Wednesday rush hour in Somerville’s Teele Square started at 7 a.m. Positioned outside St. James’s Church, its red doors wide open behind her, Coleman, wearing a The Rev. Karen Coleman imposes…