Parish News

Parish News
  The Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Boston is celebrating 100 years as the cathedral church of the Diocese of Massachusetts.  The whole of the diocesan community is invited to join the bishops for a service of celebration and rededication on…
Parish News
On Sunday, Sept. 9, Bishop Gayle E. Harris blessed the new boiler at Grace Church in Medford Bishop Gayle E. Harris blesses the new boiler at Grace Church. during her visitation to the parish.  "Almighty…
Parish News
Havenside, a nonprofit independent-living apartment complex for elders on Martha's Vineyard, will host its annual "Summer Soiree" for residents on Thursday, Aug. 9, 3-5 p.m., during which two buildings will be formally dedicated and named in honor of two individuals for their contributions to…
Parish News
Members of the diocese's Youth Leadership Academy (YLA) and their adult mentors, including Bishop M. Thomas Shaw, SSJE, will spend July 21-28 in El Salvador, learning more about the country and its history and building relationships with Salvadoran youth.They will be sharing reflections about their…
Parish News
Joshua DuBois, Executive Director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Tracy J. Sukraw Partnerships, on May 24 visited St. Stephen's Church in Boston and the lively Blackstone Elementary…
Parish News
Under bright and beautiful blue skies on May 19, a group of 75 volunteers and clergy members representing five Mystic Valley Deanery Episcopal churches gathered at Grace Church in Medford for a barbecue and joyful celebration of three years of shared ministries at St. Luke’s/San Lucas …