Parish News

Parish News
On May 4, St. Michael's parishioners celebrated Earth Day by gathering together and educating young people on environmental protection and responsibility.  Marilyn Cheney, St. Michael's director of children's education, and parishioner Barb Phinney performed a skit for young parishioners about…
Parish News
Three Bristol County Episcopal churches are merging into one and will celebrate their first service together as the Bristol Trinity Episcopal Church on June 15.  The three churches, St. John’s in Taunton, St. John the Evangelist in Mansfield and St. Mark’s in North Easton, have been in a …
Parish News
Much of what was old is new again at St. Peter’s Church in Cambridge. The church is currently in the midst of a restoration that harkens back to the way the church looked in the 1930s: bright and welcoming. Even early in the process, it is possible to see the significant transformation brought…
Parish News
Marcus Garraud remembers waking up and knowing that Santa came, and how excited he was to open presents on Christmas morning. As part of the Christmas Presents Project for Kids (CPPK) at St. Stephen’s Church in Lynn, he wants to help make sure that every child in Lynn has gifts to open on Christmas…
Parish News
On the nine evenings leading up to Christmas, one group of Episcopalians will be gathering in homes to sing, pray and share a meal. Gathering around a nativity scene, they will meditate and pray in preparation for Christmas. This is Las Posadas and the Novena, traditional Advent festivals from…
Parish News
All victims of violence from firearms will be acknowledged during a candlelit vigil in Falmouth at 6 p.m. on Dec. 14, the first anniversary of the 2012 tragedy in Newtown, Conn. that claimed 28 lives.The Saturday evening vigil is being organized by the new group Falmouth Gathers for Peace and…
Parish News
On Sunday, Nov. 17, about 50 people in the Charles River Deanery made more than 120 apple pies for Thanksgiving distribution at food pantries in the deanery.  Jean Strigham What began in 2008 as an…
Parish News
The Rev. Gareth Evans’s institution as rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd in Acton was a celebration that reached far beyond the walls of the church. In addition to celebrating the institution at the Nov. 20 service, Good Shepherd spotlighted its ministry and partnerships, and…
Parish News
Sharing a Thanksgiving feast. What’s a Wahoo, you ask? The Turkey Wahoo is an annual Thanksgiving meal for students in the afterschool program at St. Stephen’s Church in Boston, along with their families, program staff and alumni.  This year the Parish of the Epiphany…
Parish News
St. Michael's Church in Marblehead will be turning the clocks back to the early 1700's on Nov. 17, as it prepares to start a year-long celebration in honor of its 300th anniversary in 2014.The church will begin its tercentenary celebration events on Sunday, Nov. 17 with the first in a series of…