Parish News

Parish News
It's Wednesday evening and dinner is about to be served at St. Bartholomew's Church in Cambridge."Chicken and beans and rice tonight," an enthusiastic greeter called out to an approaching visitor on a recent Wednesday.  The church's red doors were wide open.Inside the church's small kitchen,…
Parish News
On Thursday, Oct. 31, young adults from four communities will gather at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul to celebrate an All Hallows' liturgy, followed by a dance party on the front steps of the church."All Hallows' is an incredibly rich spiritual tradition," said The Crossing's Isaac Everett. "In…
Parish News
Preparations are underway for the Church of St. John the Evangelist in Duxbury to launch its first adult mission trip, Oct. 12-19, 2013, to El Hogar in Honduras.   A service team of nine adult members of St. John’s will travel to Tegucigalpa, Honduras, to work with the children at El Hogar…
Parish News
Grace Church New Bedford Trinity Church Boston Trinity Church Boston Trinity Church Boston St. John's Beverly…
Parish News
Trinity Church in Haverhill is hard at work with other churches and with Team Haverhill, a local volunteer civic organization, to rebuild the run-down Portland Street Playground.  According to the Rev. Jane Bearden, Rector of Trinity Church, the playground has long been abandoned by the city…
Parish News
St. Cyprian’s Church, which is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year, began in a small parlor room in a house on Northampton Street in Roxbury, where a number of people gathered for worship. The group, made up mostly of immigrants from the…
Parish News
St. Peter's Church in Beverly is celebrating  its 150th anniversary this year.  In thanksgiving for 150 years in Beverly, the parish set a goal of raising $3,000 to purchase 150 backpacks for Beverly Bootstraps "Back to School Bonanza." Every year, Beverly Bootstraps supplies more than…
Parish News
It has been more than nine months since Sandy tore through the East Coast, devastating many communities along the mid-Atlantic and causing damage as far north as Maine. There are thousands of homes that are still in need of repair, and the clean-up efforts are ongoing. Rebuilding these coastal…
Parish News
The Parish of the Messiah in the Newton village of Auburndale welcomed Tinka Perry, the diocesan coordinator for Episcopal Relief & Development, as a guest speaker at a recent Sunday morning service. She discussed the charge to Christians to seek and serve Christ in all persons, and to strive for…
Parish News
Every year, more than four million people gather in Relay for Life events in more than 20 countries, raising some $400 million for cancer research and support.  In honor of Bishop Tom Shaw, who is undergoing treatment for brain cancer diagnosed in May, a team of 40 people from parishes in the…