Parish News

Parish News

While many visitors to Trinity Church in Topsfield may notice the set of striking bronze sculptures on the grounds of the church depicting Christ and three apostles in the Garden of Gethsemane,  fewer people have known or understood much about the history of the sculptures or their sculptor until Meg Black, a member of Trinity Church and an art history professor, spent years researching them.

Parish News
In spring seasons past at Grace Church in Newton, it wouldn’t be unusual to see members of the congregation outdoors tending to the gardens of the church on family work days or on special Sundays when the church school would go out to help in the gardens under the watchful eyes of…
Parish News
Onjalé Scott Price Beginning Nov. 29 through Epiphany (January 6), St. Barnabas's Church presents the "Lights of Advent"-- a colorful display designed to brighten lives of Falmouth residents and visitors during these dark times of the pandemic.  …
Parish News
Shortly after the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis in May, Bishop Gayle Harris made a virtual visitation to the Parish of St. John the Evangelist in Hingham, and met with the parish's middle and high school youth groups to talk about racial injustice, leaving them inspired to take action. …
Parish News
Members of St. Anne's in-the-Fields Church in Lincoln have been leaving river rocks with painted messages of hope in random places around their communities in an attempt to spread hope and to thank essential workers during this trying time of pandemic. …
Parish News
Children at St. John's Church in Franklin made more than 80 cards to send to healthcare workers at multiple hospitals to thank them for their work during the COVID-19 pandemic, a gesture that did not go unappreciated by the staff at the hospitals. The team of church school teachers at St. John's…
Parish News
The Tuesday before Pentecost found the Rev. Nicholas Morris-Kliment in the memorial garden at Christ Church in Needham, where he is the rector, vested in red and, with red coffee cup in hand, sharing a word about the coming of the Holy Spirit. …
Parish News
One hundred and twenty pinwheels decorated the lawn of Grace Church in Newton for Pentecost this year, after the Rev. Regina Walton, the rector of Grace Church, and Rowan Larson, the minister for Christian formation, decided to begin a new tradition for Pentecost, as many of the usual ones couldn't…
Parish News

Before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Johnna Fredrickson, who serves as interim director of education at Christ Church in Plymouth, had been folding origami figures to use in and around church classrooms to note changes in learning themes, but when the pandemic forced churches to move worship and activities online, making prayer cranes made sense as a parishwide activity.

Parish News
In the summer of 2018, when the dean of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in downtown Boston, the Very Rev. Amy E. McCreath, called the Rev. Stephen Harding, the soon-to-be rector of Grace Church in Vineyard Haven, on the island of Martha's Vineyard, to welcome him to the diocese and his…