
Diocesan News
The Episcopal Church in eastern Massachusetts invites you to come and see what makes our faith communities meaningful to the people who call them home. 

Diocese and Parish News

In the News
Grace Episcopal Church in Newton will receive a grant of up to $250,000 from the National Fund for Sacred Places, a major milestone in the church’s effort to raise funds for its historic bell tower. The nearly 150-year-old tower’s masonry has been cracking for years and is at risk of collapsing. …
In the News
The United Nations climate conference features heads of state, government representatives, climate activists and concerned citizens from around the world. The global event also has a decidedly local angle in Susie Faria. Faria is a 25-year-old Beverly resident who was selected as a delegate for…
In the News
What started as an online effort to bring local mothers together has morphed into an in-person family fall festival that organizers hope will further unite the community.  The inaugural festival was held from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 23 outside St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, 351 Elm St. The…
Diocesan News

The Office of the Bishop has issued the following notice.

In the News
A comunidade brasileira foi muito bem representada na celebração multicultural de agradecimentos, realizada no dia 16 de outubro. A Igreja Episcopal de Boston, Catedral St. Paul, juntamente com o Ministério UTO (United Thank Offering) abriram as suas portas para um encontro inter-religioso e…
Diocesan News

The Rev. H. Mark Smith has announced that he will be retiring as missioner for youth and young adult ministries for the diocese, effective Jan. 30, 2022.  Smith served the diocesan Office of Youth Ministries as deacon for five years before joining the diocesan staff in 2014 as director of youth ministries.  During his tenure, the scope of the office has expanded to include young adult ministries as well.

Diocesan News
The climate crisis, racial justice and a renewed mission strategy are at the top of the agenda, as the annual Diocesan Convention prepares to gather next month, deliberating under the theme "Members One of Another," taken from Romans 12:5 and an invitation to celebrate and explore interdependence…
Diocesan News
The Young Adult Advisory Committee, along with Life Together and campus ministries in the Diocese of Massachusetts, and the Young Adult Network of the Diocese of Western Massachusetts invite young adults to a retreat with the theme "Learning to Walk with God in the World" and focusing on…
Diocesan News

All are invited to gather online on Saturday, Oct. 30, 2021, at 4 p.m. for a virtual program of music, prayer and story sharing in honor of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, who celebrated his 90th birthday on Oct. 7.

Diocesan News

The Most Rev. Hosam E. Naoum, Anglican Archbishop of Jerusalem, brought a message of gratitude and Christian friendship to the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Boston while in town for meetings of the board of the American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem (AFEDJ), and friends and supporters had the opportunity to gather with Naoum for an Oct. 14 reception in his honor.