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In the News
The Boston Globe airs differing opinions in this follow-up story about the recent Beacon Hill rectory purchase made by Trinity Church in Boston. “We’re listening very faithfully to what everyone has to say, and we will continue to work with the vestry and the parishioners and our partners…
In the News
Since May, a giant aluminum sculpture depicting a cross-sectioned chambered nautilus has been lighting up the pediment of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Boston and turning heads at one of Boston’s busiest corners, G. Jeffrey Macdonald writes in this Religion News Service story in the…
In the News
The Boston Globe reports on Trinity Church's recent purchase of a new Beacon Hill rectory (a two-floor, three-bedroom condo within the buildings pictured by the Globe).  Trinity leaders explain their property investment decision as it relates to ongoing ministry of the historic church known…
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“When Spencer preached, this man, who out of the pulpit was reserved, even formal, and gave the impression of being self-assured, became a person who seemed to wrestle with the same torments and doubts that his congregation had,” Elizabeth Hunnewell wrote in a preface for a collection of Rice’s…
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The Diocese of Massachusetts' $7-million Mission Hub Initiative intends to kick-start more mission activity in underserved regions, strengthen ties among congregations and perhaps become a model for other dioceses where local mission partnerships are all too rare, Jeffrey MacDonald reports in this…
In the News
Eleven Milton residents are headed to Louisiana for St. Michael’s Episcopal Church’s 6th Annual Mission Trip to New Orleans. From January 25 through February 1, the group will volunteer at St. Paul’s Homecoming Center which helps rehabilitate houses, and Loaves and Fishes which provides relief to…
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Pastors and politicians gathered at a breakfast on Jan. 20 to commemorate the legacy of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and challenge the attendees to help realize King's dream of a better society. "We could use more of Dr. King today," said Governor Deval Patrick, noting that King believed…
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Brooks, longtime rector of Trinity Church in Boston and perhaps the most prominent preacher of his day, penned “O Little Town of Bethlehem” after visiting Jesus’ birthplace in 1866. At that time, Brooks was rector of the Church of the Holy Trinity in Philadelphia. When Brooks wrote those now…
In the News
Five nominees are in the running to succeed Bishop M. Thomas Shaw, who has led the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts for almost two decades and plans to retire in September. The candidates — announced Wednesday by the diocesan Standing Committee, which advises the bishop — include two local…
In the News
Hunger finds its way into even the wealthiest of communities — just ask Rev. Mark McKone-Sweet of St. Dunstan’s Church in Dover. He’s helped those who come into his office trying to find enough to eat — even those who call Dover and Sherborn home.