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In the News
Dozens of Taunton pets took part in what otherwise would have been a typical service at the Episcopal Church of St. Thomas on Sunday morning, Oct. 6. The Rev. Richard Bardusch said that the Blessing of the Animals has become a tradition for the Taunton parish, during which members and guests bring…
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The small, quiet town in Fairfield County is a world away from the streets of Dorchester, but the two communities are, in a sense, linked: Both mourn the innocent children they have lost to gun violence. Bishop M. Thomas Shaw, leader of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, saw that connection…
In the News
Jorge Fuentes did things his own way. “If you’re not being yourself, you’re not having fun,” he would say, flashing a smile. As a contrarian kid, he sometimes drove his mother and teachers and pastors crazy. But by his late teens, he was a standout counselor at his church’s youth programs. He…
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Dozens of dog-owners had their pets blessed at the SouthCoast Humane Society & Shelter on Saturday, some with canine friends in tow, others with the memories of those deceased in their hearts. The third annual event was organized in concurrence with the feast of St. Francis de Assisi, the 13th…
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A former Catholic priest, the Rev. Scott A. Ciosek is the pastor of St. Martin's Episcopal Church in New Bedford and St. Peter's Episcopal Church in South Dartmouth. He is also a husband, father of three, full-time hospice bereavement minister and college professor. Originally ordained in the…
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Brazilian ambassador Frederico Cesar de Araujo visited St. Andrew's Episcopal Church Saturday to see in action the church's Portuguese language program for children called Nucleo Educacionista. The Ambassador met with church leaders and Arlete Falkwoski, who runs the Nucleo Educacionista, a…
In the News
On Sunday, Sept. 15, more than 35 people joined in a “Worshipful Walk” in the Middlesex Fells with Grace Episcopal Church. The “Worshipful Walk” was part of Grace Church’s series of experiments around starting a new worship service on Sundays at 5 p.m.
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When the 86-year-old Thich Nhat Hanh was introduced to his audience in Copley Square on Sunday afternoon, he began by saying nothing for 25 minutes. Hanh, a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk who is an internationally respected peace activist and author, was in Boston as part of a US tour.
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Right after college Adrian Robbins-Cole became an investment banker. Twenty years ago he changed course and was ordained into the Episcopal Church. In September, Robbins-Cole assumed the role of rector at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Wellesley. St. Andrew’s is the largest of the three churches…
In the News
It’s a problem that just about everyone who has walked through Cambridge shares: finding a public bathroom around Harvard Square. Now, a loose coalition of churches, homelessness organizations, and businesses have launched a campaign called Advocates for a Common Toilet, in an effort to get a…