The Diocesan Council is a representative governing body that meets regularly to conduct business of the diocese between Diocesan Conventions. This includes:
- Ensuring sound fiscal management and practices
- Supporting and reviewing diocesan ministries
- Other duties as requested by the bishop or the Diocesan Convention
Diocesan Council membership:
- The Rt. Rev. Julia E. Whitworth, Bishop
- Theodore Ts'o, Treasurer
- The Rev. Stephen Voysey, Assistant Treasurer
- Julie Shea, Secretary
- Elected from each deanery: one lay and one clerical member
- Six members appointed by the bishop
- Two representatives of the Diocesan Youth Council
- One representative of the Cathedral Chapter
Ex officio members:
- Jane Redmont and The Rev. Dr. Daniel Joslyn-Siemiatkoski, Ecumenical Officers
- Lynn Smith, Registrar-Historiographer
The current membership roster and meeting schedule are attached below as PDFs.
A summary of Diocesan Council actions is published in the monthly FYI news bulletin, posted here.
Staff Contact: The Rev. Margaret Lias, Coordinator for Governance and Grants, at 617-482-4826, ext. 229 or
Committees of Council
Executive Committee
Executive Committee membership is made up of the bishop and not fewer than three members of the Diocesan Council, chosen by a vote of the council at its January meeting. The Executive Committee exercises authority of the Diocesan Council between meetings, except final approval of the diocesan budget.
- Chair: Bishop Julia E. Whitworth
- Contact: The Rev. Margaret Lias at
Assessment Coordinating Committee
The Assessment Coordinating Committee is charged with reviewing and granting petitions from congregations related to special circumstances which indicate a reason for reduction in the congregation’s assessment. The total amount allocated for reduction is set by the Diocesan Council. More information about assessments is available here.
- Chair: Connie Melahoures
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee reviews the diocesan audit and management letter prepared by the outside auditor. The committee presents the audit to the Diocesan Council for approval.
- Chair: Vacancy
Budget Committee
The Budget Committee is made up of both members of Council and others. The committee works with the diocesan treasurer in developing the annual budget and in collaboration with the bishops, diocesan staff and other committees. The budget is presented to the Diocesan Council no later than the September Council meeting for review and recommendation to Diocesan Convention.
- Chair: The Rev. Stephen Voysey
Compensation and Benefits Committee
The Compensation and Benefits Committee is responsible for proposing guidelines to promote uniform, fair and equitable compensation and benefits for lay and clergy employees within the diocese. The proposed Total Clergy Compensation (TCC) formula is voted by Diocesan Convention annually.
- Chair: Jeff Tyrakowski
Diocesan Loan Committee
The Diocesan Loan Committee oversees the distribution of funds to congregations for capital improvements to church-owned property. The committee reviews loan applications, decides on fund distribution and monitors repayment.
- Chair: Stephen Mahoney
- Contact: Nathaniel Fasman at
Financial Advisory Committee
The Financial Advisory Committee oversees the investments, income, spending policy and business affairs of the diocese. The committee reports to the Diocesan Council through the treasurer.
- Contact: Bill Parnell at
Mission Initiatives Committee
The Mission Initiatives Committee (formerly the Strategic Ministries Committee) evaluates current mission initiatives and works with the Budget Committee and diocesan staff to recommend levels of funding for these mission initiatives. The committee also exists to encourage new initiatives and to help fund these ministries when appropriate and possible.
- Chair: David Sullivan
- Contact: The Rev. Margaret Lias at
Nominating Committee
- Chair: The Rev. Dr. Regina Laba Walton at