Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry Events

Christ Church, Needham, MA

Our Office of Youth Ministry offers fellowship gatherings for youth (junior high, high school and pre-Confirmation retreats), oversees the Diocesan Youth Council (the youth leadership body that votes at Diocesan Convention) and runs the youth retreats. We provide training and support for congregations and individuals who work with youth. We also support and run programs through the Barbara C. Harris Camp and Conference Center in Greenfield, N.H., every summer.

DYC at BCH Camp Courtesy Photo Diocesan Youth Council members at the kick-off retreat at the Barbara C. Harris Camp and Conference Center in September 2018.

Learning, leading, advocating


Watch the Diocesan Youth Council's presentation at the 2024 Diocesan Convention, where they shared how they are learning, leading and advocating in the diocese and wider Episcopal Church!