Creation Care Justice Network
The Creation Care Justice Network is an informal network of Episcopal clergy and lay people across Massachusetts working together to help congregations pray, learn, act and advocate on behalf of God's creation and to mobilize a robust, justice-centered response to the ecological and climate emergency.
Here is a short video from 2022 that frames the network's mission.
The Creation Care Justice Network grounds its ministry on the eco‐justice resolutions adopted by The Episcopal Church and the call to action given by the bishops of Massachusetts in March 2021, which declared a climate emergency and challenged congregations across the Commonwealth to "Pray, Learn, Act and Advocate" in faithful response. The situation has gotten worse since 2021; scientists now frequently report that the timeline is compressing with benchmarks and tipping points happening sooner than expected. Time is running out.
An Episcopal Path to Creation Justice, and more
The Creation Care Justice Network has developed several resources for congregations to use as they work to address this emergency, including a series of four “Climate Emergency” webinars from 2021 and, more recently, An Episcopal Path to Creation Justice. Click here for an annotated list of specific resources.
An Episcopal Path to Creation Justice is a holistic four-level initiative developed to encourage and support congregations as they grow and deepen their responses to the climate emergency. The Path provides consultation, support, community and recognition for participating churches, offering trained companions and an opportunity to share with and learn from others. For more information please visit or e-mail
We are not alone on this journey!
The Creation Care Justice Network gratefully acknowledges and draws upon the work of others, especially the Creation Care Ministry of The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion Environmental Network, as well as other faith-based and secular organizations dedicated to this work. In solidarity with Episcopalians across the country, we acknowledge that justly caring for creation goes beyond climate to include racial, environmental, economic and social justice work. We sincerely appreciate those who labor in these spaces and ally with them as we are able.
Get connected
Sign up here to get connected with the network and receive Green Justice News, the e-mail newsletter that the network independently produces.
For more information e-mail
Resources for this work abound
Here are just a few to get you started on your journey to justly care for God’s creation.
Within The Episcopal Church:
- Creation Care Ministry
- Episcopal Covenant to Care of Creation
- Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations: Assistance to help us ADVOCATE on a range of issues supported by resolutions adopted at General Conventions
Short list of other organizations and partners:
- The BTS Center: Virtual and in-person programming to help us PRAY and LEARN
- Massachusetts Interfaith Power & Light: An excellent source for ways to ACT
- One Home One Future: An interfaith collection of resources to support us as we ACT, ADVOCATE and connect with each other
- Creation Justice Ministries: Faith-focused resources useful in all four pillars
Green Loans and Fossil Fuel Free Fund
In the Diocese of Massachusetts, loan and investment options are available to support congregations in their property and financial stewardship:
- Diocesan Green Loans are low-interest loans that enable congregations to make energy-efficient changes to their buildings. More information and application materials are available on the Green Loans page.
- Fossil Fuel Free Stock Fund: For information about investment opportunities with this broadly diversified portfolio, contact Bill Boyce, Investment Coordinator, Trustees of Donations ( or 617-482-4826, ext. 557).