
Diocesan News
The Episcopal Church in eastern Massachusetts invites you to come and see what makes our faith communities meaningful to the people who call them home. 

Diocese and Parish News

In the News
On a morning when tensions were high and nerves frayed across the United States – with fears of voter intimidation, voter suppression and even violence – Grace Episcopal Church was an oasis of quiet calm for the voters who trickled in. The stately stone church overlooking a park in this Boston…
In the News
In the cold rain, as night fell on a church parking lot strewn with leaves, a choir and the community that finds faith in it came together again late Sunday afternoon. The choir of St. Anne’s in-the-Fields Episcopal Church in Lincoln performed its first live Evensong service together in months —…
Oct. 30, 2020 On Saturday, Nov. 7, the 235th annual session of the Convention of the Diocese of Massachusetts will gather.  Each year this event in our life together is part legislative session, part mission rally, part stakeholder gathering, and part family reunion.  We…
Oct. 23, 2020 Long, too long America By Walt Whitman Long, too long America, Traveling roads all even and peaceful you learn'd from joys and prosperity only, But now, ah now, to learn from crises of anguish, advancing, grappling with direst fate and recoiling not, And now to conceive and…
Diocesan News

As cooler weather arrives and outdoor gatherings become less feasible, we are hearing a desire for conversation and further guidance about gathering in our churches as the pandemic continues. 

Diocesan News

Signaling that the work of the church continues despite pandemic, this year’s annual Diocesan Convention moves online and, disrupted but undeterred, will seek to respond to momentous issues of these times.

Racial justice and the climate crisis are the focus of resolutions to come before the Diocesan Convention at its virtual gathering next month—under the theme of “Embracing Brave Change” drawn from the multiyear diocesan mission strategy and particularly resonant in this unusual year.

Diocesan News
When many hear the word “discernment”--particularly in Christian contexts--they think of the process of exploring ordained ministry within the church, but a recent lay discernment event for young adults highlighted the importance of this spiritual practice for all, especially young people…
Oct. 15, 2020 September came and went.  October is well underway.  Autumn is a time when congregational life – like much of the world around us – is normally marked by renewed energy and fresh beginnings: familiar worship schedules resume; choirs end their summer hiatus; church…
In the News
Among Friends, a ministry of St. Paul's Episcopal Church at 166 High St., has distributed more than 6,000 free meals since April 1. The program, which has been serving free meals to the community since 1983, provided over 6,800 meals to the Greater Newburyport area last year and is recording…
In the News
Grace Episcopal Church in Newton is seeking nearly $1.5 million in community preservation grants to repair and restore its 19th-century bell tower, a landmark advocates say is at risk of collapsing and likely will need to be torn down without the city’s financial support. The church’s proposal…