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In the News
The Rev. Will Mebane, rector of Saint Barnabas Memorial Episcopal Church in Falmouth, said the conviction Tuesday of former police officer Derek Chauvin in the murder of George Floyd was no cause for celebration. “I don’t feel like celebrating," he said. "I don’t feel like cheering. I’m very sad…
In the News
As the pandemic again prevented most Jewish and Christian communities from observing Passover and Easter in person, joyful celebrations continued, infused with the sense of hope exemplified by both holidays — and by the progress toward ending the pandemic. Though faith leaders’ Easter and Passover…
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The Easter and Passover holidays were accompanied Sunday by more relaxed restrictions on houses of worship and gatherings in New England, along with worries about the spread of COVID-19. Many houses of worship required congregants to RSVP for a limited number of in-person service seats. Others…
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The BBC’s “Witness History” program on March 30 featured the Rev. Canon Edward W. Rodman in its segment “When the prisoners ran the prison,” recalling the three months in 1973 when prisoners took charge of the daily life of the maximum security prison in Walpole after guards went on strike when…
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As a college student, Amy McCreath studied politics and Russian studies with thoughts of working to help end the Cold War through a career in the State Department. But her concept of how she might best serve others changed when she became absorbed in learning about another intractable problem of…
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The last three months have been busy for artist and teacher Ryan Jones. During the day, he’d teach reading and writing at Epiphany, an independent school based in Dorchester for children from economically disadvantaged families. At night, he was busy painting. “This was my first mural,” Jones said…
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History has become a real teaching mechanism about the machinations of the Emmanuel Church on Newbury Street for those in the leadership and on the Building Commission – as through the pandemic they have learned firsthand of the wisdom of their forefathers in the 1800s who engineered their church…
In the News
When President Trump had protesters cleared from Lafayette Square near the White House in June, so that he could stand on the steps of St. John’s Episcopal Church and display a Bible for the cameras, he did not give the church’s clergy the opportunity to speak. Given what happened next, however, he…
In the News
Faith in humanity has been restored at Grace Episcopal Church in North Attleborough. For about a year, the front steps of the church were blocked off with a chain. During the summer, Rick Mabie had in Foxborough completing a mason job. He drove through North Attleborough to go to a bank, when he…
In the News
On Tuesday afternoon, the sound of church bells reverberated across the field of Ocean Park, cutting through the still streets of downtown Oak Bluffs. The brassy B flat ring, which belongs to the Trinity Episcopal Church bell in downtown Oak Bluffs, had been a familiar sound every Sunday morning…