Diocesan News

Diocesan News

St. Andrew's Church in Edgartown opened its doors to provide emergency shelter overnight to 43 men, women and children--all reported to be migrants from Venezuela--who unexpectedly arrived on Martha's Vineyard by plane late in the day on Sept. 14 with no notice to island officials.  The migrants themselves seemed to have been uninformed, or misinformed, according to some reports, about their destination.

Diocesan News

In the Diocese of Massachusetts, memorial activities at Old North Church in Boston are the focus for public expressions of remembrance and worship, and Bishop Alan M. Gates and Bishop Gayle E. Harris join Old North Vicar-in-Charge Matthew P. Cadwell in raising prayers and offering condolences on behalf of the diocese.

Diocesan News

The Office of the Bishop has issued the following notice:

Diocesan News
Aug. 29, 2022 Dear Colleagues in the Diocese of Massachusetts, Grace and peace to you as we approach autumn and the resumption of many events in the churches of our diocese. When we last wrote to you about COVID-19 precautions in March, the Omicron variant had brought a surge of new cases all…
Diocesan News
Newly named chief financial officer Debra Thomas joins the diocesan staff on Sept. 1. She comes with more than 25 years of experience in financial operations, information technology, administrative functions and business process redesign.  …
Diocesan News
Bishop Alan M. Gates has issued the following July 29, 2022, message about the Lambeth Conference of Anglican bishops, underway through Aug. 8.  Scroll to the bottom of the message for links to more coverage and reflections.  Find an additional message, here, from Bishop Gayle E. Harris…
Diocesan News
Courtesy photo Bishop Gayle Harris and Bishop Carol Gallagher (center) at Canterbury Cathedral on July 28, 2022, with Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and Bishop Rose Okeno, first woman elected as a full bishop in the Anglican Church of…
Diocesan News
July 11, 2022, Update:  With the House of Bishops' concurrence during this morning's legislative session, C023 as oft-amended is now adopted, commemorating Bishop Barbara C. Harris's consecration date, Feb. 11, in Lesser Feasts and Fasts while the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music works…
Diocesan News

As the 80th General Convention got underway in Baltimore, it looked like the movement afoot across The Episcopal Church to add the late Rt. Rev. Barbara C. Harris to the church's commemorative calendar had hit a major speed bump in the form of a substitute for resolution C023 from the legislative committees dealing with prayer book, liturgy and music matters. But when it came before the House of Bishops for initial action on July 8, but the bishops voted on yet another proposal that keeps the measure alive for House of Deputies consideration.