Diocesan News

Diocesan News
Online scams and malicious behavior continue to target churches and church leaders. These scams are unlikely to stop, and there is nothing we can do to prevent them.  Awareness and vigilance are our best defense. Some recent examples: Bishop Gates on Instagram: The Instagram…
Diocesan News

The Office of the Bishop has issued the following notice:

Diocesan News
At St. Stephen’s Church in Boston, the sanctuary has been transformed into a staging area for the bags of groceries and other supplies that the church has been providing to families in need every single week since the summer. Each Friday from 10 a.m. to noon, these supplies are…
Diocesan News
The Rev. Lise Hildebrandt, a priest of the diocese and a convener of the Creation Care Justice Network, is inviting the diocesan community to join her this Lent in practicing both love and lament for God’s creation. …
Diocesan News

The Office of the Bishop has issued the following notice:

Diocesan News
Prevented by the pandemic from hosting groups since last March, the Barbara C. Harris Camp and Conference Center in Greenfield, N.H., has announced a June 1 target date for re-opening—based on guidelines from the State of New Hampshire and the American Camping Association—with plans to return to…
Diocesan News
As the one-year anniversary of the death of Bishop Barbara C. Harris on March 13 approaches, Bishop Alan M. Gates and Bishop Gayle E. Harris are inviting individuals and congregations in the Diocese of Massachusetts—and across the Episcopal Church—to include remembrances of her in their prayers and…
Diocesan News
In the Jan. 28 edition of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul’s newsletter, "Nautilus News," Dean Amy McCreath extended an invitation to join the cathedral for a live-streamed Ash Wednesday service at noon, when there will be the blessing of a memorial book into which the names of friends,…
Diocesan News
The following guidance from the bishops regarding Ash Wednesday was sent to clergy and wardens on Jan. 21, 2021. We approach Lent once again with a determination to observe this season as a time for self-examination, repentance, and the renewal of our relationships with one another and with the…
Diocesan News

The diocesan community's prayers and congratulations go with the latest cohort of newly ordained priests, pictured here at their ordinations in December 2020 and January 2021.