
Diocesan News
The Episcopal Church in eastern Massachusetts invites you to come and see what makes our faith communities meaningful to the people who call them home. 

Diocese and Parish News

Last week during a family visit I happened upon mementos of my father’s naval service at the end of World War II.  My dad graduated from college in May 1945 and went immediately to basic naval training at the Great Lakes naval cent …
In the News
 The spare but beautiful interior of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church is empty and shuttered now, the victim of declining attendance in a sparsely populated dot of Western Massachusetts.But above its worn pews Monday morning hung a five-candle chandelier that Paul Revere would have seen when he…
Diocesan News
Ten of the Episcopal Church’s 12 active bishops suffragan—including Bishop Gayle E. Harris of the Diocese of Massachusetts—gathered in Rome last month, where they had the chance to join the weekly papal audience on Oct. 7 in St. Peter’s Square.  “We were surprised to be given places of honor…
Parish News
On Sunday, Nov. 29, the Parish of the Messiah in Auburndale and Trinity Parish of Newton Centre will merge.  The two congregations will join together permanently at Trinity Parish on the corner of Centre and Homer Streets in Newton Centre, according to a joint release from the parishes.&nbsp…
Diocesan News
In his first message to the Episcopal Church, newly installed presiding bishop, the Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, says, "We are the Episcopal branch of the Jesus movement."“Now is our time to go. To go into the world, let the world know that there is a God who loves us, a God who will not let us go,…
"In 100 years, if we do nothing to retard climate change and the rise of our oceans, Paul Revere would be able to row to Charlestown by hopping into a boat tied to a dock just outside his door. In a hundred years or less a nor’easter or a hurricane could flood his house and bring flood waters to…
In the News
The Rev. James H. Hornsby will celebrate the 50th anniversary of his ordination with a special service of Holy Eucharist at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 24, at St. Luke's Episcopal Church, 315 Warren Street, Fall River.  The Rev. Susan Lee, current rector of St. Luke’s Church, said with…
Diocesan News
Bishop Alan M. Gates and Dean Jep Streit wrote to the diocesan community on Oct. 23 to say "Welcome home!" as the Cathedral Church of St. Paul at 138 Tremont Street in Boston reopens after being closed for more than a year for renovations. "Throughout a decade of planning our primary goal has been…
Diocesan News
The Rt. Rev. Michael B. Curry, Bishop of the Diocese of North Carolina, will be installed as the Episcopal Church's 27th presiding bishop on Sunday, Nov. 1, at 12 p.m. at Washington National Cathedral.  The whole church is invited to join the celebration via a live webcast of the installation…
Diocesan News
This year's Diocesan Convention will be marked by a special spirit of celebration as the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Boston reopens its doors to the diocesan community after having been closed for more than a year for renovations.Bishop Alan M. Gates, who in September completed his first year…