
Diocesan News
The Episcopal Church in eastern Massachusetts invites you to come and see what makes our faith communities meaningful to the people who call them home. 

Diocese and Parish News

In the News
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Weston made the decision this fall to make a substantial donation to WATCH Community Development Corporation, a local nonprofit organization. Waltham Alliance for Teaching, Community Organizing & Housing, a Waltham-based group, offers adult education classes and…
In the News
On Friday, Dec. 6, about 80 people met at St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church on Springdale Avenue to assemble 150 care kits for clients of Boston Health Care for the Homeless. The kits contained socks, gloves, personal care products, snacks and handwritten holiday cards. The program was part of the…
Diocesan News

Aja Jackson has joined the diocesan staff in the position of accountant in the Treasurer's Office.

Diocesan News

After a 30-year postulancy that may well be among the longest on record, and with a vocational commitment "long in the making and long in the testing," as a seminary advisor once described it, the Rev. Gayle Pershouse Vaughan was at last ordained a transitional deacon on Nov. 10 of this year at the Parish of the Epiphany in Winchester, her home parish for the past 15 years.


"At Christmas we greet the very heart of God made flesh.  Born 2,000 years ago.  Born again every time the vulnerability of human love fills the rocky trough of human cruelty.  It is in the very nature of love to be vulnerable. Precisely because God loves us was Jesus born, vulnerable to the needs of every helpless infant.  He grew, dependent upon the care of loving parents.  He preached and taught, vulnerable to the resentment of the religious establishment.  And he died, vulnerable to the cruelty of the Roman occupation.  He died every bit as vulnerable as the victims of warfare in Syria and Yemen; as vulnerable as the victims of terror in New Zealand and Sri Lanka, of massacres in Pittsburgh, El Paso and Jersey City.  He died as vulnerable as me and you."

Diocesan News

A group of 22 pilgrims from the Diocese of Massachusetts embarked on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land Nov. 3-15, led by Bishop Gayle E. Harris and the Rev. Debbie Phillips, the rector of Grace Church in Salem. This was the eighth trip to the Holy Land that Harris has taken since 2009, and the third for Phillips. In addition to visiting holy sites such as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, and renewing baptismal bows at the Jordan River, the group had the chance to meet and learn from those in the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem that Phillips calls "living stones" of the Christian faith.

Parish News

This interfaith family began when the two congregations started sharing facilities at Emmanuel in 2004.  Since then, the two congregations have gone beyond sharing facilities to sharing their faith journeys together through collaborative programming, which they facilitate through the Emmanuel Center, the programmatic partnership of Central Reform Temple and Emmanuel Church. Over the weekend of Nov. 15-17, the two congregations held ceremonies of affirmation during the Friday evening Shabbat service and the Sunday morning Eucharist, to raise up and celebrate their covenant agreement.

Diocesan News
Diocesan ministry networks will be facilitating online book discussions in January, February and March, each inspired by diocesan mission strategy themes of reimagining congregations, building relationships and engaging the world.  All are welcome to join one or more of the three Wednesday…
In the News
The Father Bill’s & Mainspring shelter in Quincy held its annual Thanksgiving meal. Each Thanksgiving, Father Bill’s and MainSpring makes sure the plates of those in need are filled with turkey, gravy, green beans, carrots, potatoes and pie at its annual community dinner at Christ Church on Elm…
Diocesan News
The diocesan community’s prayers and presence are invited for these upcoming ordinations to the priesthood: • The Rev. Sarah Brock on Saturday, Dec. 7, 10 a.m., at St. John’s Church (705 Hale Street) in Beverly Farms (sponsored for ordination by All Saints Church, Brookline); • The Rev. Paul…