
Diocesan News
The Episcopal Church in eastern Massachusetts invites you to come and see what makes our faith communities meaningful to the people who call them home. 

Diocese and Parish News

Diocesan News
The Episcopal Church in eastern Massachusetts invites you to come and see what makes our faith communities meaningful to the people who call them home. 
Diocesan News
The Board of Trustees of the Episcopal Chaplaincy at Harvard has announced the appointment of the Rev. Margery Kennelly, currently the assistant rector at the Church of the Redeemer in Chestnut Hill, as Harvard's next Episcopal chaplain. She will begin her ministry at Harvard on June 1, and will…
Bishop's Blog
I have twice been to the top of Cannon Mountain, near New Hampshire’s Franconia Notch. An aerial tramway carries visitors to the mountain’s pinnacle. One of my family visits there was on a clear, sunny day. You could see in every direction, as far as Vermont, Maine, and even Quebec – a stunning…
Parish News
St. Stephen's Church in Boston hosted a March 7 community hearing with Boston City Council members on a resolution affirming sanctuary status for Boston Public Schools (BPS).  About 200 people filled the church sanctuary, according to a St. Stephen's Church news release, with students,…
In the News
While New Bedford has long dealt with opioid addiction, the epidemic extends beyond city bounds. Residents of South Coast suburbs, realizing that opioid addiction is a regionwide problem, have begun to form collaborations and hold events.  The Rev. Scott Ciosek of St. Peter's Church in…
Diocesan News
The Mission Strategy Implementation Organizing Team issued a letter on March 10 updating the diocesan community on the team's initial work so far and inviting everyone to get involved, particularly at the local congregational level."As members of one diocese, we have the wonderful opportunity to…
Diocesan News
Amy Cook, who serves on the diocesan staff as missioner for education, formation and discipleship, will be leaving at the end of April to take a new position as the head of the formation working group for the Diocese of California in San Francisco.“It has been a pleasure and a privilege to serve in…
Diocesan News
The Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, offered the following response to the election on March 4 of the Rev. Samuel Rodman, the special projects officer on the Massachusetts diocesan staff, to be the next bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina:"I…
In the News
St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church in Dover held an "ashes to go" service early Wednesday morning for people on their way to work or school. See photos from the Metrowest Daily News.Click the link above to view the photos.
In the News
St. Martin's Episcopal Church came to the people on Ash Wednesday instead of the people going to the church.  The Rev. Scott A. Ciosek, priest-in-charge of St. Martin's Episcopal Church as well as St. Peter's Episcopal Church, South Dartmouth, was giving ashes to people in the parking lot of…