
Diocesan News
The Episcopal Church in eastern Massachusetts invites you to come and see what makes our faith communities meaningful to the people who call them home. 

Diocese and Parish News

Diocesan News
Two new acting chaplains have been appointed to serve at Boston College and Northeastern University. Effective Oct. 1, the Rev. Grant Barber has been appointed acting chaplain at Boston College, and the Rev. Megan Holding has been appointed acting chaplain at Northeastern University.  Both…
Diocesan News
Bishop Alan M. Gates made the following announcement on Oct. 16 regarding reorganization of the diocesan staff. The reconfiguration of staff to align with new budgetary realities and with aspects of our mission strategy will include creation of several new positions, and with an ending to certain…
Diocesan News
The 232nd annual convention of the Diocese of Massachusetts will take place on Saturday, Nov. 4 at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul (138 Tremont Street) in Boston. Registration is now open online, here. Pre-convention forums in October will offer an important opportunity for learning and…
In the News
Twice a week, on Wednesday evenings and Monday afternoons, up to a dozen women gather in St. John's Church’s parish hall to make quilts.  Brightly colored, the most recent batch of these handmade quilts are destined this month for a military base in Afghanistan. There, they will keep three…
Diocesan News
In a "Word to the Church" statement issued Sept. 27 from its meeting in Fairbanks, Alaska, the Episcopal Church's bishops urge Episcopalians to look "for the connections among race, violence of every kind, economic disparity and the environment. Then, after reflecting in prayer and engaging with…
In the News
A common purpose can lead to good things.  That’s the thinking behind the new intentional living community of Mt. Hope at Kennedy Park for people passionate about food justice and advocacy.“They will collaborate with one another,” said Larissa Alter, South Coast Mission Hub assistant director…
In the News
A free city neighborhood bus tour brought together about 50 people Sunday starting at Grace Episcopal Church and ending at Youth Opportunities Unlimited, followed by a social period at the Slainte Irish Pub rooftop deck.  “It’s really about community congregation, this tour,” said Jim McKeag,…
Parish News
The Rev. Cheryl Minor and the Rev. Paul Minor celebrated 20 years of ordained ministry at All Saints' Church in Belmont on Sunday, Sept. 17. The husband and wife co-rectors were honored with a service and festive luncheon that included time for the congregation to share memories of how God has been…
Diocesan News
As students and teachers across Massachusetts head back to school, the All Our Children network is preparing to gather a coalition of churches, individuals and community groups interested in how faith communities can support public education, at a Fall Regional Forum on Oct. 21. All Our…
Diocesan News
Liza Zayas has been hired as executive assistant to Bishop Gayle E. Harris and joined the diocesan staff on Sept. 6.  She succeeds Marsha Searle, who has retired after serving on the diocesan staff for four years."I am grateful for having the privilege to work with Marsha, as many in our…