
Diocesan News
The Episcopal Church in eastern Massachusetts invites you to come and see what makes our faith communities meaningful to the people who call them home. 

Diocese and Parish News

Diocesan News

The difference that the B-SAFE summer program makes in the lives of the children and teens it serves becomes quickly apparent during a visit to a host site in full swing. What may be less obvious is the impact that the program has on the many volunteers from Episcopal churches across the diocese whose members give up some of their time and resources each summer to participate.

Diocesan News

The Office of the Bishop has issued the following notice:

In the News
The start of the gospel during Sunday service isn’t supposed to raise a chuckle. But Rev. Bradford Clark couldn’t help it. A goose honked. Some crows briefly joined the chorus but, on the whole, the domestic and wild animals in the neighborhood didn’t disturb proceedings. This wasn’t the annual…
In the News
Every month for the past two years, members of Winchester’s Parish of the Epiphany, along with other faith groups, have gathered at the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention center in Boston and Burlington to pray, sing, and hold signs of support for the detainees. From inside…
Diocesan News
The B-PEACE for Jorge Campaign of the Diocese of Massachusetts, in partnership with the Diocese of Western Massachusetts and the Pioneer Valley Project, invites participation in a public witness outside the corporate headquarters of Smith & Wesson (2100 Roosevelt Avenue) in Springfield on Friday,…
In the News
This summer’s team worked with two families, one a couple with two young children and another an elderly man who lives alone. Volunteer Helen Pulizzi said she helped replace a beam in the little girl’s bedroom and re-sided part of the house. The goal of Appalachia Service Project (ASP) is to make…
In the News
This August marks the 400th anniversary of the first landing of enslaved Africans in British North America. It happened in 1619 at Point Comfort in Hampton, Virginia. The National Parks of Boston took part over the weekend in what the National Parks Service called the "National Day of Healing."…
In the News
Eleven historic bells chime daily on top of the high bell tower at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Salem. One of them dates back to 1740, where its tolled for the death of every president preceding George H.W. Bush. In January 2018, a series of three snowstorms destroyed the mechanism that rings…
In the News
The bells of St. Anne’s Episcopal Church tolled for four minutes as a crowd gathered to stand in silence and reflect on that day 400 years ago when African slaves first arrived in England’s American colonies. Late August sunlight and a strong breeze hinted at fall’s fast approach as the bells rang…
Diocesan News

The Office of the Bishop has issued the following notice: