
Diocesan News
The Episcopal Church in eastern Massachusetts invites you to come and see what makes our faith communities meaningful to the people who call them home. 

Diocese and Parish News

Parish News
Trinity Church in Haverhill is hard at work with other churches and with Team Haverhill, a local volunteer civic organization, to rebuild the run-down Portland Street Playground.  According to the Rev. Jane Bearden, Rector of Trinity Church, the playground has long been abandoned by the city…
Diocesan News
The discernment process toward the election of the next bishop for the Diocese of Massachusetts is underway.The Discernment Committee, with the oversight of the diocesan Standing Committee, has begun its confidential screening and interviewing process.  The Discernment Committee gathered with…
Diocesan News
A year and a half after its public launch, and with all congregations participating, the Diocese of Massachusetts' Together Now fundraising campaign reached its $20-million goal over the summer months."We've done it.  We're over the top.  Large and small, individually and collectively, we…
Diocesan News
It was a long day of statistics and storytelling at the State House on Sept. 13, as hundreds gathered in Gardner Auditorium to give and hear testimony on proposed changes to the state's gun laws.Sixty-some gun reform bills are before the Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security, and…
Diocesan News
Two new members joined the diocesan and cathedral staffs over the summer.The Rev. Canon Connie Ng Lam has been named the new canon for Asiamerican ministries and will serve as priest to the Episcopal Boston Chinese Ministry at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul.Ellen Stuart has been hired as…
In the News
When the 86-year-old Thich Nhat Hanh was introduced to his audience in Copley Square on Sunday afternoon, he began by saying nothing for 25 minutes. Hanh, a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk who is an internationally respected peace activist and author, was in Boston as part of a US tour.
In the News
Right after college Adrian Robbins-Cole became an investment banker. Twenty years ago he changed course and was ordained into the Episcopal Church. In September, Robbins-Cole assumed the role of rector at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Wellesley. St. Andrew’s is the largest of the three churches…
Diocesan News
Sept. 3 was the first official day of classes at Epiphany School in Dorchester. But unlike many school-age kids, students at Epiphany haven’t spent the summer anticipating their return to school—in fact, these hardworking students never really left. Epiphany students spent their summer at an…
Diocesan News
The B-SAFE program has wrapped up another summer of providing programming for elementary and middle-school aged kids, and paid jobs and internships to teens and young adults.  Across six Boston-area locations (South End, Lower Roxbury, Upham’s Corner-Dorchester, Codman Square-Dorchester,…
Diocesan News
Sept. 6, 2013:  Bishop M. Thomas Shaw, SSJE and Bishop Gayle E. Harris of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts today issued the following statement on Syria: "Lord, make us instruments of your peace..."In the aftermath of the horror of toxic gas…