
Diocesan News
The Episcopal Church in eastern Massachusetts invites you to come and see what makes our faith communities meaningful to the people who call them home. 

Diocese and Parish News

Parish News
Marcus Garraud remembers waking up and knowing that Santa came, and how excited he was to open presents on Christmas morning. As part of the Christmas Presents Project for Kids (CPPK) at St. Stephen’s Church in Lynn, he wants to help make sure that every child in Lynn has gifts to open on Christmas…
Diocesan News
12/06/2013:  Bishop Suffragan Gayle E. Harris and retired bishops suffragan Bud Cederholm and Barbara C. Harris issued the following statement today in remembrance of Nelson Mandela: With breaking hearts, love and prayers, we join with millions upon…
Parish News
On the nine evenings leading up to Christmas, one group of Episcopalians will be gathering in homes to sing, pray and share a meal. Gathering around a nativity scene, they will meditate and pray in preparation for Christmas. This is Las Posadas and the Novena, traditional Advent festivals from…
In the News
Pope Francis (real name: Jorge Mario Bergoglio) has shaken up the Catholic church with some plain speaking about faith and about life in the 21st century. He has had an impact on other faiths, as well. Welcome to “pope envy.”I first encountered the term in an essay by Jana Riess, a liberal Mormon…
Diocesan News
Updated 12/09/2013:  Bishop Tom Shaw was released from the hospital this afternoon and has returned home to the monastery.  He has reiterated his appreciation for continued prayers, as well as the cards and notes that continue to buoy his spirits. …
Along Route 28 between Orleans and Chatham is a rowboat emblazoned with the word HOPE. I frequently traveled that way a few years back and I used to look for that boat and wonder about the motivation of its owner. What made that person put that boat our there for all to see? Was that person very…
Parish News
All victims of violence from firearms will be acknowledged during a candlelit vigil in Falmouth at 6 p.m. on Dec. 14, the first anniversary of the 2012 tragedy in Newtown, Conn. that claimed 28 lives.The Saturday evening vigil is being organized by the new group Falmouth Gathers for Peace and…
Diocesan News
The diocese’s fourth annual observance of Creation Care Season concluded at the end of November with an interfaith panel on climate change that brought five faith leaders together at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Boston to discuss how faith inspires and drives environmental action. The Rev…
In the News
In Downtown Crossing around 7 p.m., on the sidewalk outside Macy’s, David Reid approaches a pair of homeless men and hands each a small rectangular packet with a note attached. Inside the pouches are silver Mylar space blankets, the same kind worn by astronauts and handed to marathoners after a…
Parish News
On Sunday, Nov. 17, about 50 people in the Charles River Deanery made more than 120 apple pies for Thanksgiving distribution at food pantries in the deanery.  Jean Strigham What began in 2008 as an…