
Diocesan News
The Episcopal Church in eastern Massachusetts invites you to come and see what makes our faith communities meaningful to the people who call them home. 

Diocese and Parish News

Parish News
The Church of the Messiah this summer is celebrating its stone church and the man who built it, Church of the Messiah, Woods Hole as well as its mission in the village of Woods Hole. “Honoring the Past,…
Diocesan News
Catch up, act up was part of Bishop George Packard's challenge to the church as he addressed a The Rt. Rev. George Packard describes crowd of 420 Episcopal City Mission supporters gathered for the organization…
In the News
As the country's citizens and legislators continue to debate gun law restrictions, members of faith-based communities in the Lexington area gathered to talk about how gun violence has affected their lives. A group of mroe than 50 people gathered in the First Parish Church of Lexington Wednesday…
Diocesan News
June 7, 2013:  The Discernment Committee, one of two committees responsible for carrying out the nomination, election and transition process for a bishop coadjutor to succeed the Rt. Rev. M. Thomas Shaw, SSJE when he retires, today released the following information to the diocesan Office of…
In the News
Christ Episcopal Church will mark the centennial of the construction of its current building this Sunday with the premiere of a special, commissioned anthem. “Cornerstone” features lyrics by poet and Christ Church parishoner Dianne Harrison, set to music by Kaeza Fearn, the music director at First…
Diocesan News
Join Bishop M. Thomas Shaw, SSJE and Bishop Barbara C. Harris and the Episcopal Church contingent marching in the Boston Pride Parade on Saturday, June 8. A celebration, with food, music and fun activities, will follow afterward on the steps of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul (138 Tremont Street)…
Diocesan News
Contributions to Episcopal Relief & Development's Tornado Response Fund are one way to help those affected by recent tornadoes near Oklahoma City and Fort Worth.  Contributions also can be made directly to the Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma, 924…
In the News
Sunday, May 19, was Pentecost. Parishioners at St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church on Springdale Avenue celebrated the “birthday” of the Christian church not only by wearing red, but by having a bishop come over and bless their newest addition — solar panels. Installed over the winter, the panels cover…
In the News
Bishop M. Thomas Shaw has learned that a tumor removed from his brain last week is malignant and he will need cancer treatments, according to the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts. Shaw underwent brain surgery on May 17 after tests revealed the mass on the previous day, the diocese said in a post…
Diocesan News
May 24, 2013:  The Rt. Rev. M. Thomas Shaw, SSJE, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, met with his doctors at the Dana Farber Brigham and Women's Cancer Center in Boston today and learned that the tumor removed from his brain last Friday is indeed cancerous.  He will begin…