
Diocesan News
The Episcopal Church in eastern Massachusetts invites you to come and see what makes our faith communities meaningful to the people who call them home. 

Diocese and Parish News

Parish News
On Sunday, Nov. 17, about 50 people in the Charles River Deanery made more than 120 apple pies for Thanksgiving distribution at food pantries in the deanery.  Jean Strigham What began in 2008 as an…
Parish News
The Rev. Gareth Evans’s institution as rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd in Acton was a celebration that reached far beyond the walls of the church. In addition to celebrating the institution at the Nov. 20 service, Good Shepherd spotlighted its ministry and partnerships, and…
Parish News
Sharing a Thanksgiving feast. What’s a Wahoo, you ask? The Turkey Wahoo is an annual Thanksgiving meal for students in the afterschool program at St. Stephen’s Church in Boston, along with their families, program staff and alumni.  This year the Parish of the Epiphany…
Diocesan News
Diocesan Convention brought together about 500 clergy members and delegates from each of the diocese's congregations on Saturday, Nov. 2 at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Boston for legislative action and worship, this year under the theme "Gratitude and Celebration." …
Diocesan News
Rick Strout, who has served as the chief business officer and assistant treasurer of the diocese since January 2011, has announced that he will be leaving the staff to take a new job as audit manager at CBIZ Tofias in Boston, starting Dec. 2."I’m extremely thankful for the opportunity afforded to…
Diocesan News
Episcopalians throughout the diocese are out in their communities this month, asking for signatures on a petition for a ballot initiative that would raise the minimum wage to $10.50 an hour. Dozens of parishes are involved in this initiative, which is led by Raise Up Massachusetts, a statewide…
Diocesan News
For some, the word “mission” might evoke traveling to the other side of the world. But many communities in the diocese are answering the call to mission right in their own neighborhoods, supported by funds from the Together Now campaign. Two new mission hubs were announced at the 2013 Diocesan…
Diocesan News
Two university chaplaincies in the diocese were recently awarded program grants by the Episcopal Church. The Lutheran Episcopal Ministry at MIT, led by the Rev. Thea Keith-Lucas, and the Episcopal Chaplaincy at Boston University, led by the Rev. Cameron Partridge, both received grants.The Lutheran…
Diocesan News
Nov. 15, 2013 [Standing Committee News Release]:  The Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts voted unanimously last night to accept a Sept. 13, 2014, resignation date for Bishop M. Thomas Shaw, SSJE.  This date coincides with the scheduled consecration of his…
In the News
For the last four years, the Medford Historical Society has teamed up with faith communities around Medford to spotlight their roles in Medford history. This year, the focus has turned to one of the city’s oldest and most dynamic faith communities — Grace Episcopal Church.