
Standing in a parish hall in central Massachusetts, a group of Christians from Ghana gazed with surprise at the figures of a nativity scene from their home country. A parish of our diocese–St. Andrew’s in Ayer–maintains a remarkable tradition of displaying over 300 nativities from every corner of…

A message for Easter 2022 from Bishop Alan M. Gates


Text of the sermon delivered by Bishop Alan M. Gates at the Clergy Vow Renewal Service on Holy Tuesday, April 12, 2022, at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Boston.


Constance Perry and Carol Morehead of the Racial Justice Commission's Subcommittee on Reparations share, in their own words, what's drawn them to engage in hard, holy work toward reparations. 

A sermon delivered on Ash Wednesday, March 2, 2022 at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Boston A primary focus during my sabbatical last year was cooking.  I tried out lots of new recipes and techniques.  Perhaps the greatest challenge for me in cooking has always been the timing. …
I am thinking about blue, a color of sadness. In common parlance, blue is associated with sorrow and discouragement.  A blue mood is a gloomy mood.  In my childhood there was a popular song called “Love is Blue,” in which the singer pines for his departed sweetheart.  Curiously,…

A reflection from the Racial Justice Commission's Subcommittee on Fostering Antiracist Episcopal Communities, spotlighting its priorities and progress.


A reflection from the Racial Justice Commission's Subcommittee on Resource Allocation, spotlighting its priorities and progress.


A reflection from the Racial Justice Commission's Subcommittee on Accountable Structures and Practices, spotlighting its priorities and progress.


A September 2021 reflection from the Racial Justice Commission's Subcommittee on Support for BIPOC Communities and Individuals, spotlighting its priorities and progress.