In the News

In the News
After a long period of transition search, St. John’s Church in Sandwich recently welcomed a new rector to its parish.The Rev. Thomas Ferguson arrived in late March to take up his new position, overlapping with the interim rector, the Rev. Paul Bresnahan, for Easter week.“The best thing about the…
In the News
Drawing from Psalm 50:23,“Whoso offereth praise glorifieth the Lord” is inscribed in calligraphy on the 1885 organ in Medford’s Grace Episcopal Church.Since its installation more than 130 years ago, the E. & G. G. Hook & Hastings organ has been touched up now and then, including a conversion from…
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The pulsating sound of a steel drum echoed through Saturday’s South African festival at Trinity Church in Marshfield, setting the mood for an afternoon that was both enjoyable and educational. The festival was an opportunity for South Shore residents to experience South African culture and food and…
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When the “Black Lives Matter” sign that had hung in front of the Church of Our Saviour since November was found defaced three weeks ago, clergy and members of the congregation didn’t simply take it down and erase the incident from their collective memory. They used it to send a powerful message. “…
In the News
Five parishioners from St. Paul’s Episcopal Church recently returned from a weeklong mission trip to Léogâne, Haiti, where they worked in partnership with a local nursing school to provide and support many different services to the residents of Léogâne and the students at the nursing school. …
In the News
Since its installation over 130 years ago, the E. & G. G. Hook & Hastings organ at Grace Church in Medford has been touched up now and then, including a conversion from mechanical to electric in the 1950s. But last April marked the beginning of a much-needed total renovation, the first the organ…
In the News
When the Federated Church in Edgartown, St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, also in Edgartown, and Grace Episcopal Church in Vineyard Haven opened their doors to anyone who needed shelter on Jan. 1, no one came. Volunteers staffed the shelters every night, anyway. Ten days later, the program’s first…
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With heroin cheap and widely available on city streets throughout the country, users are making their buys and shooting up as soon as they can, often in public places. Police officers are routinely finding drug users—unconscious or dead—in cars, in the bathrooms of fast-food restaurants, on mass…
In the News
Saturday, Feb. 27, was a milestone in the life of Catherine Elizabeth “Cat” Healy: The Right Reverend Alan M. Gates, Bishop of Massachusetts, ordained her a priest at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church. The bishop, now in his second year in the diocese, was making his first trip to the Wellesley church…
In the News
On Saturday, Feb. 27, Grace Episcopal Church hosted a benefit concert to raise funds for the World Food Program’s relief effort for refugees and internally displaced people in Syria.  More than 200 people packed the parish hall to enjoy music by local artists Monty Hill, Sisters in Song, Param…