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In the News
Twice a week, on Wednesday evenings and Monday afternoons, up to a dozen women gather in St. John's Church’s parish hall to make quilts.  Brightly colored, the most recent batch of these handmade quilts are destined this month for a military base in Afghanistan. There, they will keep three…
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A common purpose can lead to good things.  That’s the thinking behind the new intentional living community of Mt. Hope at Kennedy Park for people passionate about food justice and advocacy.“They will collaborate with one another,” said Larissa Alter, South Coast Mission Hub assistant director…
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A free city neighborhood bus tour brought together about 50 people Sunday starting at Grace Episcopal Church and ending at Youth Opportunities Unlimited, followed by a social period at the Slainte Irish Pub rooftop deck.  “It’s really about community congregation, this tour,” said Jim McKeag,…
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The congregation of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church-on-the-Canal in is celebrating the 70th anniversary of its building this month.The building was originally a summer chapel, Church of Our Savior, in Hull. The Rev. J. Samuel Stephenson discovered the unused building and organized fundraising events…
In the News
In March, while the city was in the midst of a string of shootings that left seven dead — more than any year since 2011 — Mayor Daniel Rivera called Police Chief James Fitzpatrick and several priests and pastors to his office for a meeting."Basically, we had gotten to wit's end about what else we…
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A Wrentham church has launched an unusual campaign to raise awareness of the toll that opioid abuse has taken in Massachusetts. Signs marked “#2069” — the number of opioid-related deaths reported statewide for 2016 — have shown up in yards around the region thanks to the efforts of Trinity…
In the News
Ingrid Houghton lifted up her daughter Matilda to pull on a white rope to ring the bell as folks trickled out of St. Aidan’s Chapel. Matilda is part of the fifth generation of the Houghton family who built the chapel in 1917 on Smith Neck Road.  On July 23, a service was held in celebration…
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With a monthly food pantry on Tuesdays, meals prepared for delivery to families weekly, a free meal for the public every Thursday night and an open door policy for homeless men and women throughout the winter months, the Church of the Good Shepherd is known for its efforts to help the community…
In the News
Dressed in a simple white robe, Sam Rodman stood at the front of Duke Chapel before the leader of the Episcopal Church, who asked the 1,000 congregants in attendance if Rodman should be ordained the bishop for the central North Carolina diocese that includes Charlotte, Greensboro and the Triangle…
In the News
A new exhibit at the Smithsonian Museum of American History in Washington, D.C., includes artifacts contributed by a Newburyport church.  St. Paul's on High Street is the oldest continuing Episcopal church in the United States. After being approached by representatives from the Smithsonian,…