Diocesan News

Diocesan News

The diocesan community celebrated new ministry and the installation of the Very Rev. Amy E. McCreath as the ninth dean of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Boston on Sept. 29, 2018.

Listen to audio of Bishop Alan M. Gates's sermon here.

Diocesan News

Sermon by Bishop Alan M. Gates at the celebration of new ministry and installation of the Very Rev. Amy E. McCreath as ninth dean of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Boston, Sept. 29, 2018.

Diocesan News
As of Sept. 30, Laura Walta, who has served as the project director for global mission for five years, has retired. "Laura has been instrumental in creating an infrastructure for our diocesan mission relationships and ministries beyond the U.S.," Bishop Gayle E. Harris said.  "Her faithful…
Diocesan News

Hallelujah, Anyhow!, Bishop Barbara C. Harris's new memoir, written with Kelly Brown Douglas and out this month from Church Publishing Inc., arrives just in time to mark the 30th anniversary of Harris's historic Sept. 24, 1988, election as the first female bishop in the worldwide Anglican Communion.

Diocesan News
In the aftermath of the natural gas system crisis that caused explosions, fires and emergency evacuations in the Merrimack Valley on Thursday, Sept. 13, all three Episcopal churches and one Episcopal school in the affected communities--Christ Church in Andover, St. Paul's Church in North Andover…
Diocesan News
Imagine having to walk nine hours to the doctor’s office while sick, or bringing your toddler to work where they have to sit in a smoke-filled kitchen for eight to 10 hours a day. Imagine being a young student living at a boarding school where the bathing facilities are a bucket of cold water and a…
Diocesan News

Bridget K. Wood has been hired as communications assistant on the diocesan staff.  She started in her new position on Sept. 5.  

Diocesan News
On Saturday, Sept. 29, the diocesan community will celebrate the new ministry and installation of the Very Rev. Amy E. McCreath as the ninth dean of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Boston.  Bishop Alan M. Gates will preach at the special 10:30 a.m. service and co-preside with Bishop…
Diocesan News
The Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates has announced the appointment of the Rt. Rev. Dr. Carol J. Gallagher as the regional canon for the Central Region of the Diocese of Massachusetts comprising the 56 congregations, as well as other church-related institutions, in the Boston Harbor, Alewife, Charles River…
Diocesan News
The first-ever Ministry Network Showcase will bring the diocesan community together to learn about and be inspired by ministries that model ways for embracing brave change through reimagining congregations, building relationships and engaging the world. It is scheduled to take place on Saturday,…