Diocesan News

Diocesan News
Sept. 3, 2020 Additional COVID-19 Resources  (Please direct questions to Canon Parnell at bparnell@diomass.org or 617-482-5800, ext. 205.) Many of our clergy and lay leaders have requested additional guidance about risk factors related to the transmission of COVID-19, especially with…
Diocesan News
The Office of the Bishop has issued the following notice: August 25, 2020 Dear Friends and Colleagues, We are saddened to inform you of the death of the Rev. David Eastman Allen, SSJE in Cambridge, Mass., on Aug. 17, 2020.  David was the last member of the Society of St. John the…
Diocesan News
Aug. 24, 2020 Dear Friends, I write to announce some important changes in the diocesan staff. In 2018, as a response to our diocesan mission strategy, we undertook a reorganization of the diocesan staff in ways that were designed to help us accompany our congregations effectively, including the…
Diocesan News
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s annual Diocesan Convention, on Saturday, Nov. 7, will take place online via Zoom and livestreaming. Online registration is open, here, until Oct. 30. "When 'Embracing Brave Change' was adopted as the encapsulating theme of our diocesan…
Diocesan News
Aug. 6, 2020   Expanded Stage Two Regathering Guidelines for Communion, Pastoral Visits, Baptism, Youth Ministry The bishops of both Massachusetts Episcopal dioceses have jointly issued expanded guidelines for Stage Two regathering that provide protocols for the administration…
Diocesan News
The Episcopal Church Executive Council in June approved seven United Thank Offering (UTO) Young Adult and Seminarian grants, two of which were awarded to recipients in the Diocese of Massachusetts, according to a June 17 media release.   The UTO awards grants to support…
Diocesan News
June 16, 2020 The landscape of the pandemic and various related matters continues to change each week.  Our hope is to keep you well-informed.  Please read the items below concerning the Spanish-language version of the “Stage Two Regathering Checklist”; property insurance; the Paycheck…
Diocesan News

As the phased reopening process progresses in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts amidst the still-prevalent COVID-19 pandemic, Episcopal congregations in Massachusetts have been operating under a bishops’ directive that there be no in-person public worship services until at least July 1.  

As that date nears, Bishop Alan M. Gates and Bishop Gayle E. Harris of the Diocese of Massachusetts issued new guidance on June 15 that “strongly encourages” congregations to continue to refrain from holding in-person worship for now, but also permits congregations—in places where local conditions allow—to begin preparations for limited in-person regathering after July 1.

Diocesan News
The bishops issued the following guidance on June 15, 2020, to clergy and congregational and diocesan leadership, regarding preparations and the certification procedure required of Diocese of Massachusetts congregations before they transition to "Stage Two" in-person regathering…
Diocesan News
Bishop Alan M. Gates issued the following message to the diocesan community in remembrance of the late Bishop Barbara C. Harris, marking the 90th anniversary of her birth on June 12. Matthew Cavanaugh …