Diocesan News

Diocesan News
The first fruits of the diocese's successful $20-million Together Now fundraising campaign are already at work, through a tithe of $2 million for global mission. One of the ways these funds are being distributed is through new Mission Tithe Council Grants and Mission Tithe Matching Grants…
Diocesan News
[Discernment Committee News Release]:  The Discernment Committee announced on Aug. 29 that the period for nominations for bishop coadjutor closed, as scheduled, on Aug. 26.  Applications are being received through 5 p.m. on Sept. 23.  Nominations are not necessary for applications…
Diocesan News
08/28/2013:  Bishop M. Thomas Shaw, SSJE and Bishop Gayle E. Harris of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts offer the following request for prayer for the Middle East:We are troubled, as are many of you, over the violence, bloodshed and destruction in Syria and in Egypt and the terrible…
Diocesan News
08/24/2013:  Bishop M. Thomas Shaw, SSJE and Bishop Gayle E. Harris of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts offer the following statement on the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington: As events commemorating the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom get…
Diocesan News
08/22/2013:  Bishop M. Thomas Shaw, SSJE sent the following update today to diocesan clergy and leadership regarding his ongoing cancer treatment.Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Tracy J. Sukraw …
Diocesan News
For information and updates about the bishop election process, visit www.mabishopsearch.org, the search and transition site independently maintained by the Discernment Committee. The Discernment Committee for the election of a bishop coadjutor for…
Diocesan News
[Discernment Committee News Release]:  The Discernment Committee on July 23 announced the dates that nominations and applications will be open, and the anticipated launch of a Web site specific to work being done in preparation for nominations and screening of nominees for bishop coadjutor,…
Diocesan News
From "Lobster on the Lawn" and "Mass on the Grass" to "Chapel Camp" and "Free Food for Kids," Episcopal churches across eastern Massachusetts welcome you to join them for summer prayer, fun, fellowship and service.  Use the links below to learn more.  Christ Church in Andover is…
Diocesan News
Almighty God, giver of all good things:We thank you for the natural majesty and beauty of this land.They restore us, though we often destroy them.Heal us. We thank you for the great resources of this nation. They make us rich, though we often exploit them.Forgive us. We thank you for the men and…
Diocesan News
Corporate prayer is a gift to the church, the Standing Committee says in a July 1 invitation to the diocesan community to pray over the summer months for the nomination, election and transition process that is underway for a bishop coadjutor to succeed the Rt. Rev. M. Thomas Shaw, SSJE when he…