Diocesan News

Diocesan News
Guest speaker Alan Khazei (center) congratulated interns in the diocese’s Micah Project and Relational Evangelism programs, pictured here with the programs’ directors, Jason Long (left, second row) and the Rev. Arrington Chambliss (right). Episcopal City Mission (ECM) supporters…
Diocesan News
Bishop Gayle E. Harris ordained six new deacons—five transitional and one vocational—on June 5 at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Boston. They are, pictured from left:  The Rev. Daniel MacDonald (serving at All Saints’ Church in South Burlington, Vt.); The Rev. Edwin Johnson (St. James’s…
Diocesan News
The diocese’s second annual Jubilee Celebrates Africa party was just getting underway at the Church of Our Redeemer in Lexington on May 1 when the police showed up with a shut-down order.  The major water main break that for 2 1/2 days compromised the water supply for Boston and 29 other…
Diocesan News
Sign-up is underway for summer camp at the Barbara C. Harris Camp and Conference Center in Greenfield, N.H.—six one-week sessions, June 27-Aug. 7, billed as “the perfect mix of fun, friendship and faith formation.”  What’s new at the camp this year is the George H. Kidder Recreation Center,…
Diocesan News
Their bright red T-shirts said it all:  “If you want to go quickly, go alone.  If you want to go far, go together.”  And together they are going, nearly 1,000 strong, to work for economic justice in and around Boston. Several hundred young adults gathered at Trinity Church in…
Diocesan News
Enjoy our growing gallery of parish Holy Week and Easter photos. Eastertide Greetings! Someone once said that Christians are Easter people living in a Good Friday world. When the Easter message of God’s love, mercy and transforming, life-giving power over sin and death intersects with the…
Diocesan News
The Rev. Tim Crellin and crucifer Alex Maizonett get ready for the Palm Sunday procession from St. Stephen’s Church (419 Shawmut Avenue), in Boston’s South End. In the week before Easter Day on April 4, we walk the way of Jesus and commemorate the last events of his life before…