
Diocesan News
The Episcopal Church in eastern Massachusetts invites you to come and see what makes our faith communities meaningful to the people who call them home. 

Diocese and Parish News

In the News
Students across Massachusetts walked out of classes, marched and rallied on March 14 in solidarity with a national day of activism calling for stricter gun laws. The #Enough walkout occurred exactly one month after the deadly high school shooting in Parkland, Florida. With high-schoolers in more…
Diocesan News
On Wednesday, March 14, in collaboration with interfaith partners and grassroots organizers in the Pioneer Valley, Episcopal Church youth and bishops will stand peacefully for one hour, 3-4 p.m., outside the gates of Smith and Wesson (2100 Roosevelt Avenue) in Springfield.  Speakers will…
Diocesan News
The bishops of the Episcopal dioceses of Massachusetts and Western Massachusetts jointly issued on March 1, 2018, the following call, "From Lamentation to Action."  In it they urge solidarity in prayer on March 14, in response to a call for such from the Bishops United Against Gun Violence…
Diocesan News
The search process is now formally underway for three regional canons to serve in the Diocese of Massachusetts.  The job description for the three regional canons is being distributed churchwide . Each of the regional canons will serve a geographic area of the diocese encompassing four…
Diocesan News
The Rev. Amy Ebeling McCreath has been appointed by Bishop Alan M. Gates as the new dean of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Boston.  The Cathedral Chapter approved the appointment at its Feb. 27 meeting.    McCreath will be the ninth dean of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul,…
In the News
A group of paintings on display at St. Paul’s Church in Newburyport is brightening up the building’s window wells for the season of Lent while shining a light on a powerful environmental message. The set of 16 paintings was completed by St. Paul’s parishioner and Newbury resident Ingrid Sanborn in…
Diocesan News
The Office of the Bishop has issued the following notice: Feb. 16, 2018 Dear Friends and Colleagues, We are saddened to inform you of the death of the Rev. James C. Knudson in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on Feb. 11, 2018. Jim served in the diocese for 10 years before retiring in 2000. He served at…

In Lent, we followers of Jesus are asked to lift up our chins, set our faces toward Jerusalem and lead with this cross we bear on our foreheads.  The invisible cross of our Baptism, traced by some long ago thumb, and the ashen cross of our mortality that marks each one of us, these days, as a bit of a fool for claiming this truth:  that we follow a God who shoulders with us our every condition, our every affliction our every delight.

Diocesan News
The bishops of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, the Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates and the Rt. Rev. Gayle E. Harris, are members of Bishops United Against Gun Violence and commend the following statement issued by the coalition on Feb. 16. The heart of our nation has been broken yet again by…
Parish News

Dover Unplugged, a new community-focused event series at St. Dunstan’s Church, had a successful launch the first week in February.  Designed with the entire community in mind, Dover Unplugged provides a chance for community members to unplug and enjoy the company of friends and neighbors.