
Diocesan News
The Episcopal Church in eastern Massachusetts invites you to come and see what makes our faith communities meaningful to the people who call them home. 

Diocese and Parish News

Diocesan News
Instead of the annual diocesan Spring Learning Event in March, there will be five Regional Learning Days held in various locations around the diocese, beginning Jan. 12. The diocese's ongoing $20-million Together Now campaign is making more resources available to congregations for mission, ministry…
Diocesan News
Bishop M. Thomas Shaw, SSJE and Bishop Gayle E. Harris, on behalf of the Diocese of Massachusetts, offer their prayers for all affected by the Dec. 14 shootings in a Newtown, Conn., elementary school:  "May our gracious God bring comfort to all who sorrow and give strength to all who suffer in…
Diocesan News
Episcopal City Mission presented $282,000 in Burgess Urban Fund grants to 21 community organizations during a Dec. 13 gathering at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Boston.  The total amount distributed this year was up 17 perecent over last year, with …
Diocesan News
[Episcopal News Service] This definitely belongs on Santa’s “nice” list. On the evening of Dec. 4, a certain anonymous Episcopalian in a certain undisclosed diocese in the continental United States was surfing on her iPhone while watching the movie “Bridesmaids” on television when she saw a…
Diocesan News
Tinka Perry describes herself as someone with "passion for justice and outreach," and as the newly appointed diocesan representative for Episcopal Relief & Development, she plans to channel some of that passion into connecting eastern Massachusetts Episcopalians with the organization's mission of …
Diocesan News
For Life Together, the year began in August, with a welcome to 27 young adults chosen to participate in its 10-month fellowship program to work for social justice in Massachusetts and grow in their faith and as leaders while living together in intentional community. Three months in, the fellows are…
Diocesan News
This video clip features campaign co-chair Warren McFarlan and Life Together fellow Larissa Alter, who tells about new mission work on the South Coast made possible by campaign funds.
Diocesan News
This video clip features a brief video about parish campaign successes and a presentation by the Rev. Pamela Werntz about the collaborative campaign experience at Emmanuel Church in Boston.
Diocesan News
This video clip features the announcement of Be the Change Kenya as the recipient of a $25,000 grant from the campaign’s mission tithe.