
Diocesan News
The Episcopal Church in eastern Massachusetts invites you to come and see what makes our faith communities meaningful to the people who call them home. 

Diocese and Parish News

Parish News
St. Andrew’s Church has grown a parish Advent tradition into an event that its wider community in Ayer and beyond looks forward to every year.  The church first held its "In a Manger" exhibit of Nativity scenes in 2002. The exhibit was staged by Carolyn Smith, a parishioner who wanted to find…
Diocesan News
At the Diocesan Convention in November, Bud Cederholm—retired bishop suffragan of the diocese, known to many as the “Green Bishop”—offered his thanksgiving for all that the Episcopal Church in eastern Massachusetts has accomplished in five years under its Creation Care Initiative.The Creation Care…
Diocesan News
It’s time to create a new mission strategy for the Diocese of Massachusetts, and everyone’s voice is needed.  Members of the diocesan community are invited to attend one or more of the six open listening forums scheduled in January and February--opportunities to share insights and experiences…
Diocesan News
Bishop Alan M. Gates wrote on Nov. 17: On our first full day in Jerusalem we visited the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, traditionally venerated as having been constructed over the sites of Jesus’ crucifixion at Golgotha and his resurrection at the Garden Tomb. Beneath the central rotunda is a…
Two friends of mine had an online interpretive disagreement about Emily Dickinson’s poem, with its familiar opening lines: “Hope” is the thing with feathers – That perches in the soul – And sings the tune without the words – And never stops – at all –  One friend declared that this was an…
Diocesan News
Watch the video of Bishop Alan. M. Gates giving his annual address at Diocesan Convention on Nov. 14, 2015, at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Boston.  Text of the address is available here.
Diocesan News
In a Nov. 18 letter, Bishop Alan M. Gates and Bishop Gayle E. Harris of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts joined with other Massachusetts church leaders to ask Governor Charlie Baker to reconsider his position against the local resettlement of Syrian refugees.The letter, issued by the…
Diocesan News
The Ven. Michael Hamilton waits with Bishop Gates outside the doors of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul. Matthew Cavanaugh Bishop Gates makes the traditional three knocks on the cathedral doors. Matthew Cavanaugh …
Diocesan News
Gathering for the first time for worship and work in the newly renovated Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Boston, this year’s annual Diocesan Convention had a special spirit of celebration about it as it voted its positions on world concerns and deliberated over mission matters closer to home.About…
In the News
On Sunday, November 1, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church held a special blessing of its new solar panels, with retired bishop The Rt. Rev. Bud Cederholm presiding over the festive event, occurring on All Saints’ Day.Beginning with a grand procession from the sanctuary to the rear parking lot, where the…