
Diocesan News
The Episcopal Church in eastern Massachusetts invites you to come and see what makes our faith communities meaningful to the people who call them home. 

Diocese and Parish News

Parish News
Courtesy St. Barnabas's, Falmouth, after one of last winter's record-breaking storms. As December's mild temperatures give way to single-digit January nights, new and longstanding ministries are responding to the issue of homelessness…
Diocesan News
Bishop Gayle E. Harris of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts gave the invocation at Boston's Martin Luther King Jr. Day breakfast, co-sponsored by St. Cyprian's Church in Roxbury.  The text of her prayer follows.Almighty God, we gather to honor and to give thanks to you for the life,…
Diocesan News
The Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates and the Rt. Rev. Gayle E. Harris of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts have issued the following statement to the diocesan community regarding this week's action by the primates of the Anglican Communion.A moment for re-affirmationThe communiqué issued by primates of…
Diocesan News
[Episcopal News Service — Canterbury, England] A majority of Anglican primates Jan. 14 asked that the Episcopal Church, for a period of three years, “no longer represent us on ecumenical and interfaith bodies, should not be appointed or elected to an internal standing committee and that while…
Diocesan News
[Episcopal News Service] The Anglican Communion is being called to prayer as its 38 primates – the senior archbishops, presiding bishops and moderators – head to Canterbury, England, next week for their first official meeting in five years. “I invite Episcopalians to join me in prayer for this…
It's a brand new year once more--full of hope and promise, full of anticipation of what it may bring, in our own lives, in the lives of those around us and in the life of the world.  New Year's Day means many things to many people--resolutions, parades, fireworks, champagne, football, to name…
In the News
In an effort to assist people in the community who are dealing with sadness and loss, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Dartmouth is beginning a new grief counseling center that will be called “The Bridge: A Center for Hope and Healing.” “We will never turn anyone away. The whole ministry of Jesus…
In the News
South Coast Episcopal priests Matthew Stewart and Jim Hornsby discuss with Temple Beth El cantor Shoshana Brown their faith perspectives on refugees and resettlement.Click on the link above to read the full story.
Diocesan News
With rapid-fire news headlines reporting the latest mass shootings in places such as Colorado Springs and San Bernardino, alongside news of school lock-downs and street shootings closer to home, a state of cognitive dissonance seems to have set in among us, as urgency comes up against complacency:…
Diocesan News
The congregational development team on the diocesan staff has welcomed two new members recently, Larry Civale, Senior Consultant, and Andrew Del Pilar, Administrative Assistant.  Larry Civale Prior to…