
Diocesan News
The Episcopal Church in eastern Massachusetts invites you to come and see what makes our faith communities meaningful to the people who call them home. 

Diocese and Parish News

Diocesan News
Longtime diocesan staff member Steve Pierce ends his tenure on Dec. 14 after 20 years of serving congregations in various capacities, first as chief financial officer, later as a deputy chief of staff and most recently as coordinator for congregations. His position was eliminated as part of the…
In the News
Four years ago and shortly after arriving in Dartmouth, the Rev. Scott Ciosek looked at empty space at St Peter’s Church’s 351 Elm Street location, and was determined to fill that void with something that made a difference in people’s lives That vision turned into The Bridge: A Center for Hope and…
In the News
With overnight temperatures starting to dip below freezing, a small but dedicated group of volunteers is mobilizing to ensure that the community’s homeless population has a warm place to sleep. In partnership with Father Bill’s and MainSpring, the Plymouth Task Force to End Homelessness started…
Diocesan News
The Office of the Bishop has issued the following notice: Nov. 22, 2017 Dear Friends and Colleagues, We are saddened to inform you of the death of the Rev. W. E. Douglas Bond in Boston, Mass., on Nov. 17, 2017. Doug served at All Saints Parish in Brookline, St. George’s Church in Maynard, Christ…
In the News
Kenneth Thopsen lived in Florida until Hurricane Irma forced him out. At 45 years old, he journeyed north to Massachusetts — losing his luggage in the process — to stay with family members in the Berkshires. “I went out there and I didn’t really connect with them,” Thopsen said. Now, he is one of…
In the News
From the kitchen, Dennis Bates peeked at the crowd of hungry people enjoying the meal he’d been preparing for hours. The Stoughton resident was back at Christ Episcopal Church on Quincy Avenue for the annual Father Bill’s Community Thanksgiving Dinner. His 27th year providing hearty meals to the…
Diocesan News
A year after the election of President Donald Trump, immigrant communities in the United States continue to face a barrage of uncertainty and fear. The pending executive actions and court cases that could affect the status of millions of immigrants and refugees are difficult to navigate, and…
Diocesan News
This is an edited version of the mission strategy presentation at the 2017 Diocesan Convention, given by members of the Mission Strategy Implementation Organizing Team and others. Read the team's written report to convention here.  Learn more about the mission strategy process here. 
Diocesan News
This year's Diocesan Convention voted a "We Are Still In" response to climate change--calling on "congregations and every person of faith to set a moral example by making decisions of integrity in our energy choices and holding our leaders accountable to likewise reduce carbon emissions"--and it…
Diocesan News
The 232nd annual Diocesan Convention got underway with Holy Eucharist and Bishop Gates's address. Christian DeJesus read the lesson from Isaiah in Spanish. "The year behind us has been challenging, and…