
Diocesan News
The Episcopal Church in eastern Massachusetts invites you to come and see what makes our faith communities meaningful to the people who call them home. 

Diocese and Parish News

In the News
On Wednesday, July 22, the Burgess Committee of Grace Episcopal Church will sponsor a Candlelight Prayer Vigil for Reconciliation and Peace at 7:30 pm at Dennis Alley Park, also known as Waban Park, in Oak Bluffs.  The vigil will incorporate non-sectarian prayers for victims of racial…
In the News
In Chelsea, the hardest hit community in the state, the long tail of the coronavirus still lingers...Nearly 3,000 residents have tested positive for the virus, a strikingly high number in a city of just 40,000. And even as the number of cases now declines, the economic fallout remains staggering,…
In the News
A famous Boston church that was renowned for its place at the center of Paul Revere’s famous midnight ride is reckoning with its discovery that its 18th Century congregation was a gathering place for slave traders. Today, the Old North Church & Historic Site is shining a light on its dark history.
In the News
The Rev. Will Mebane of St. Barnabas's Church in Falmouth and the Rev. Deborah Warner of the Church of the Messiah in Woods Hole are part of the Falmouth Clergy Association's "Masks" PSA video, which promotes the wearing of the masks that prevent coronavirus infection while removing the "masks"…
June 26, 2020 A voice cries out: "In the wilderness prepare the way of the LORD,      make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be lifted up,      and every mountain and hill be made low; the uneven ground shall become level,     …
Diocesan News
The Episcopal Church Executive Council in June approved seven United Thank Offering (UTO) Young Adult and Seminarian grants, two of which were awarded to recipients in the Diocese of Massachusetts, according to a June 17 media release.   The UTO awards grants to support…
June 23, 2020 Regathering and HR Matters Zoom Conversation on Regathering: Employee Considerations and Accommodations: Thursday, July 2, 3:30-4:30 p.m.  (Zoom link e-mailed directly to clergy, wardens and treasurers.) The safety and well-being of church employees is of utmost concern as…
Parish News
Members of St. Anne's in-the-Fields Church in Lincoln have been leaving river rocks with painted messages of hope in random places around their communities in an attempt to spread hope and to thank essential workers during this trying time of pandemic. …
Parish News
Children at St. John's Church in Franklin made more than 80 cards to send to healthcare workers at multiple hospitals to thank them for their work during the COVID-19 pandemic, a gesture that did not go unappreciated by the staff at the hospitals. The team of church school teachers at St. John's…
Parish News
The Tuesday before Pentecost found the Rev. Nicholas Morris-Kliment in the memorial garden at Christ Church in Needham, where he is the rector, vested in red and, with red coffee cup in hand, sharing a word about the coming of the Holy Spirit. …