
Diocesan News
The Episcopal Church in eastern Massachusetts invites you to come and see what makes our faith communities meaningful to the people who call them home. 

Diocese and Parish News

Diocesan News
Dean Jep Streit honored Friends of the Public Garden president emeritus Henry Lee with a Good Tracy J. Sukraw Henry Lee (right) receives cathedral's Good Samaritan Award from Dean Jep…
Diocesan News
As the fundraising effort of the diocese's $20-million Together Now campaign enters its final phase--with $19,088,142 raised as of Feb. 25 and $1,086,150 anticipated from parish collaborative campaigns still in progress--the implementation of the…
Diocesan News
Episcopalians from the Diocese of Massachusetts had both “an enlightening spiritual experience” and a taste of political reality during their Jan. 14-25 trip to Israel and Palestine. Bishop Gayle E. Harris said before the trip that it was intended as “both a pilgrimage to enhance and enrich our…
Diocesan News
The Rt. Rev. Gayle E. Harris, Bishop Suffragan, invites others to join her, in prayer and in person, for a witness against violence in Washington, D.C., on Holy Monday, March 25. The witness is being organized by the Diocese of Connecticut. Harris's letter of invitation follows below. My…
In the News
Listen to Rev. Tim Schenk discussing Lent Madness on BPR. Also featured in this episode: Papal Conclave Intrigue; War Reporter Sebastian Junger; March Madness; Globe's Brian McGrory. 
In the News
It is a day they will never forget — the late winter day when 361 of their co-workers, family members and compatriots were rounded up by "la migracion." "It is terrible for me to recall the way they took my friends," said 41-year old Marina Tejada, a Salvadorean who was among the workers at the…
In the News
The Rev. Noah Evans and the Rev. Cameron Partridge praised legislation that helps make transgender children and youth feel more welcomed in public schools. Evans said bullying can be difficult for transgender youths, and the new law helps protect them. “It’s tough, it’s really tough, and I think…
In the News
St. Peters Anglican Church of Uganda community in Boston hosted Bishop Thomas Shaw the Episcopal Bishop of the State of Massachusetts on Sunday March 3rd 2013 at their Waltham Parish. In his sermon Bishop Shaw’s message concentrated on encouraging children to develop a servant heart at an early age.
Diocesan News
The Rt. Rev. M. Thomas Shaw, SSJE, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, will preach at an interfaith prayer service on the eve of the U.S. Supreme Court's hearing of marriage equality cases on California's Proposition 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the…
Diocesan News
[March 1, 2013]:  The Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts will elect a bishop coadjutor next year to succeed the Rt. Rev. M. Thomas Shaw, SSJE upon his retirement. In a March 1 letter to clergy, wardens, Diocesan Convention delegates and leadership groups, the Standing Committee has outlined…