
Diocesan News
The Episcopal Church in eastern Massachusetts invites you to come and see what makes our faith communities meaningful to the people who call them home. 

Diocese and Parish News

In the News
St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church in Dover hosted more than 80 children and counselors from the Bishop’s Summer Academic and Fun Enrichment program on Friday, July 10, at the church. St. Dunstan’s set up two large water slides in the church parking lot for cool fun, and the church also provided…
Parish News
On Sunday, July 26, St. James's Church, at 1991 Massachusetts Avenue, in Porter Square, Cambridge, will celebrate 150 years of ministry with a 9:30 a.m. worship service presided over by Bishop Alan M. Gates.  Then at 11:30 a.m., Charles Sullivan, Executive Director of the Cambridge Historical…
Diocesan News
Head of School Chris Wilson announced this week that Esperanza Academy has earned full accreditation from the Association of Independent Schools of New England (AISNE), a nationally recognized accreditation program. Entering its ninth year of providing middle school girls in Lawrence with a…
In the News
It’s invisible, but something called a poverty line runs down the middle of Sisson Road in Harwich. On one side of the line lies something called a poverty zone, where more than 50 percent of families live below the federal poverty level. There, any child can walk into a Food for Kids site and…
In the News
 Trinity Episcopal Church of Wrentham has had much to celebrate of late. The parish welcomed a new priest-in-charge this past January, the Rev. Elise A. Feyerherm. Trinity also celebrated a milestone anniversary recently: 150 years in Wrentham. The parish celebrated with a dinner in May at…
Diocesan News
[Episcopal News Service] The 78th General Convention, in a series of historic moments, elected the first African-American presiding bishop; approved marriage equality for all Episcopalians; adopted a budget that emphasizes racial reconciliation and evangelism; endorsed the study of fossil fuel…
Diocesan News
In an effort to demonstrate that "what hate burns, love rebuilds," Christ Church Cathedral (Episcopal) in St. Louis has established a "Rebuild the Churches" fund to support churches targeted by arsonists last month.Bishop Alan M. Gates and Bishop Gayle E. Harris invite congregations and individuals…
In the News
Episcopalians overwhelmingly voted Wednesday to allow religious weddings for same-sex couples, solidifying the church’s embrace of gay rights that began more than a decade ago with the pioneering election of the first openly gay bishop.The vote came in Salt Lake City at the Episcopal General…
In the News
“How does a congregation live into its sacred role as a healer?"That’s the question congregational leaders at St. Luke’s/ San Lucas Episcopal Church in Chelsea, Massachusetts use to guide their ministry. Recently honored by their city for all they do to “advance the cause of Chelsea and its people,…
When I was fifteen years old I attended my sister’s college graduation in Beloit, Wisconsin.  I suppose there were several ceremonies and lots of speeches.  I remember only one thing.  I remember a speaker who told us that she had once met and shaken the hand of the last living…