
Diocesan News
The Episcopal Church in eastern Massachusetts invites you to come and see what makes our faith communities meaningful to the people who call them home. 

Diocese and Parish News

Diocesan News
Bishop M. Thomas Shaw, SSJE has announced that the diocese will not elect a second bishop suffragan when Bishop Bud Cederholm retires in November 2011. “We will instead reallocate resources in order to hire in 2011 an archdeacon to oversee congregational development, strategic ministries that are…
Parish News
11/22/10:  The people of St. James’s Church in Amesbury this week sent three $1,000 checks to local agencies serving the community: PHOTO: Courtesy of St. James’s Church Fair co…
Diocesan News
I recently attended a worship service where the preacher took as his text I Thessalonians 5:18, in which St. Paul is ending his letter to the Christians in the strategically located city of Thessalonica.  Paul is encouraging them to maintain…
Diocesan News
Bishop Suffragan Bud Cederholm has announced his retirement, effective in early November of next year, when he will be marking 40 years of full-time ordained ministry, 10 of them as a bishop.The full text of Bishop Cederholm’s announcement follows. Nov. 17, 2010Dear Friends,Greetings and peace…