
Diocesan News
The Episcopal Church in eastern Massachusetts invites you to come and see what makes our faith communities meaningful to the people who call them home. 

Diocese and Parish News

Parish News
St. Michael's Church in Marblehead will be turning the clocks back to the early 1700's on Nov. 17, as it prepares to start a year-long celebration in honor of its 300th anniversary in 2014.The church will begin its tercentenary celebration events on Sunday, Nov. 17 with the first in a series of…
Diocesan News
Nov. 13, 2013 [Episcopal News Service]:  Episcopal Relief & Development’s local partner, the Episcopal Church in the Philippines, is assessing needs and determining how best to respond in the aftermath of Super Typhoon Haiyan. This update from Episcopal Relief & Development includes a message…
In the News
Supporters of ballot initiatives to raise the state’s minimum wage by $2.50 an hour and require that all businesses provide workers sick time have collected more than 200,000 signatures in a broad outreach effort supported by dozens of religious institutions.
Diocesan News
Life is a pilgrimage, says the Rev. Tina Rathbone. The act of taking up a pilgrimage—spending time in prayer, silence and discussion, moving together towards a destination—is an outward manifestation of the inward journey everyone is on. In early October, a group of pilgrims walked from the…
Diocesan News
Bishop Shaw recognizes the Society of St. John the Evangelist, the Bethany House of Prayer, Mr. Rafael Soto, Mr. Jack Cogan, and Ms. Mary Cornille. 
Diocesan News
The Diocesan Council awards the Mission Council Grant of $25,000 to St. Paul's Church Newburyport, for their work with Foundation Cristosal in El Salvador. 
Diocesan News
The Rev. Sam Rodman announces the two new mission hubs in the diocese: Plymouth, Cape and the Islands,  and the Merrimack Valley. Representatives from each hub give their thanks. 
Diocesan News
Leaders of the B-PEACE for Jorge Campaign give the 2013 convention an update on their work this year, and share their plans for the future. 
Diocesan News
Bishop Gayle E. Harris, Bishop Suffragan of the Diocese of Massachusetts, gives a sermon at the 2013 Diocesan Convention on Nov. 2 at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul. 
Diocesan News
Bishop M. Thomas Shaw, SSJE, gives his second meditation of the day at the 2013 Diocesan Convention, Nov. 2 at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul.